How to display multiple values in same column in jqgrid


You can do this easily by using a Custom Formatter on your column model.

A custom Formatter is a javascript function with the following parameters:

cellvalue - The value to be formatted

options - { rowId: rid, colModel: cm} where rowId - is the id of the row colModel is the object of the properties for this column getted from colModel array of jqGrid

rowObject - is a row data represented in the format determined from datatype option

So a function can be declared like so:

function myformatter ( cellvalue, options, rowObject )
     // format the cellvalue to new format
     return new_formated_cellvalue;

And is defined on your column like this:

   {name:'price', index:'price', width:60, align:"center", editable: true, 
 formatter:myformatter },

So in your case you can use the rowObject parameter in the custom formatter to populate your additional values. For Example.

Column Model

    {name:'employee_id', index:'employee_id', width:60, align:"center", editable: true, 
formatter:myformatter, label:'Employee' }


function myformatter ( cellvalue, options, rowObject )
     return cellvalue + ' ' + + ' ' + rowObject.user_name;

And if this is defined on your employee_id column it would display in the cell:

employee_id email username

Here is a jsFiddle example showing it working.


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Updated on June 21, 2022


  • Ramesh
    Ramesh almost 2 years

    I would like to know how to display multiple values in a single column in jqGrid

    Here is a sample of my current grid definition.

    url: 'Default.aspx/getGridData',
    datatype: 'json',
    colModel: [
    //contains the input type ('select', etc.)
    { name: 'InputType', hidden:true }, 
    //may contain a string of select options ('<option>Option1</option>'...)
      name: 'Input', 
         custom_element: /* want cell value from InputType column here */ , 
         custom_value:   /* want cell value from Input column here */ 
  • Ramesh
    Ramesh over 11 years
    Actually what you are coming to say is absolutely rite.. ill show my sample code so that you can get a clear idea of what my problem is. {name:'user_name',index:'user_name',width:400,label:'user_na‌​me',formatter:functi‌​on (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { addPart1 = rowObject.user_name; addPart2 =; addPart3 = rowObject.is_volunteer; addPart4 = rowObject.is_first_time_user; fullAddress = addPart1 + addPart2 + addPart3 + addPart4; return fullAddress;} this is what i am using to merge but am not getting it
  • Preexo
    Preexo about 8 years
    how would you extend your example fiddle so that it also works after sorting the table?
  • RedSands
    RedSands over 6 years
    @Preexo has asked a great clarifying question. I too would love an answer.