how to get notified whenever the user changes the os theme in flutter?


Solution 1

Here's how you can set different colors for light and dark mode, the app will automatically switch if the phone is set to dark mode or light mode.

  theme: ThemeData(
    brightness: Brightness.light,
  darkTheme: ThemeData(
    brightness: Brightness.dark,
    // additional settings go here

You can also get the platform brightness (Brightness.light / Brightness.dark) using


but you will have to use the WidgetsBindingObserver mixin and override the method below

void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
    print(WidgetsBinding.instance.window.platformBrightness); // should print Brightness.light / Brightness.dark when you switch
    super.didChangePlatformBrightness(); // make sure you call this

and then inside the didChangePlatformBrightness you can add to your stream.

This is also duplicate. click here to view

Solution 2

Thank you for your answers. I solved the Problem like this:

class Theme {
  final window = WidgetsBinding.instance.window;
  final _controller = StreamController<Brightness>();

  Theme() {
    window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged = () {
      // This callback gets invoked every time brightness changes
      final brightness = window.platformBrightness;

  Stream<Brightness> get stream =>;

so I built my own stream

Jad Haddad
Author by

Jad Haddad

Updated on December 29, 2022


  • Jad Haddad
    Jad Haddad over 1 year

    I am trying to get notified, whenever the user changes the theme of the operating system. I want to use Provider to accomplish that, however dart Provider needs a Stream that gives a Snapshot, whenerver somthing is changed or getsupdated. So I need to emplement or rather use a Stream, that gives me a snapshot whenever the os theme gets changed.

    Here is my code. It is nothing special. But I really want to know how to get this Provider up and running with a Stream

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
    void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(initialRoute: '/', routes: {
          '/': (context) => MainPage(),

    This class is a wrapper for the HomePage. It contains the Provider. (value: brightnessStream) is a dummy value, and that is what I need to implement.

    class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
      _MainPageState createState() => _MainPageState();
    class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return StreamProvider<Brightness>.value(
          initialData: Brightness.light,
          value: brightnessStream,
          child: Home(), 

    In this class I am listening to the Stream, whenever the brightness changes and displying a text that shows the current theme.

    class Home extends StatefulWidget {
      _HomeState createState() => _HomeState();
    class _HomeState extends State<Home> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final brightness = Provider.of<Brightness>(context); 
        return Scaffold(
            backgroundColor: Colors.white,
            appBar: AppBar(
              title: Text('App'),
            body: Center(
              child: Text(brightness.toString()),

    the stream should like somethig like this.

    Stream<Brightness> get brightnessStream {
      // return stream of os brigtness (os theme)

    So how is it possible?