How to ignore package when building flutter project for web?


Maybe you should guard your usages of libserialport with the kIsWeb predicate like following:

// libserialport code execution here

I searched a lot as well and didn't find a way you can do that, I think this should be handled by the package itself not the package's users like in path_provider for instance.

As a workaround I have created a dummy libserialport's SerialPort class for web only as follows:


class SerialPort {
  final String name;
  static List<String> availablePorts = ['dummy'];
  static SerialPortError? lastError;

  bool openReadWrite() {
    return false;

class SerialPortError {}

// add more properties and functions as needed


import 'package:libserialport/libserialport.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) './dummy_serialport.dart'
    if ( 'package:libserialport/libserialport.dart';

 if (!kIsWeb) {
      final name = SerialPort.availablePorts.first;
      final port = SerialPort(name);
      if (!port.openReadWrite()) {

It's bad, I know :( but it works! maybe you can contact the package author to get more insight and if opening a PR where the interfaces are separated from the FFI implementation so that importing the classes wouldn't break web or something.

Author by


I'm the Technical Director at Raiora. I learn because I must.

Updated on January 02, 2023


  • xerotolerant
    xerotolerant over 1 year

    I have a project which uses flutter_libserialport library on macOS. I am modifying it to work on web however this library does not work on web.

    I am building a web implementation using navigator.serial in javascript which works fine.

    However when I attempt to build the project for web I get the following error

    /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/2.2.3/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Not found: 'dart:ffi'
    import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;

    This makes sense since FFI is not available on web.

    But I don't even need the libserialport library on web any way.

    How can I get flutter to ignore it?

    I tried this however it doesn't contain information on how to exclude a package.

    It also does not contain information on how to ignore it specifically for web. It seems to just ignore it in general.

    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
    • xerotolerant
      xerotolerant over 2 years
      I found it a few minutes ago. it might be what I need.
    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
      okay good just try it
    • xerotolerant
      xerotolerant over 2 years
      @Diwyansh I was successful thanks.
    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
      Pleased to help you...
  • xerotolerant
    xerotolerant over 2 years
    kIsWeb is a runtime variable. The issue I'm having is at build time. I want to exclude it from the build entirely
  • Ayman Barghout
    Ayman Barghout over 2 years
    Yea, you are right. It's really weird that when I searched I found nothing but I came up with a really bad workaround I hope it helps, for now, I'll update my answer.