How to pass a URL parameter using python, Flask, and the command line


Solution 1

You should leave the query parameters out of the route as they aren't part of it.

@app.route('/post', methods=['GET'])
def show_post():
    post_id = request.args.get('id')
    return post_id

request.args is a dictionary containing all of the query parameters passed in the URL.

Solution 2

request.args is what you are looking for.

@app.route('/post', methods=["GET"])
def show_post()
    post_id = request.args.get('id')

request.args is get all the GET parameters and construct Multidict like this MultiDict([('id', '1232'),]) so using get you can get the id


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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • SAS
    SAS almost 2 years

    I am having a lot of trouble passing a URL parameter using request.args.get.

    My code is the following:

    from flask import Flask, request
    app= Flask(__name__)
    @app.route('/post?id=post_id', methods=["GET"])
    def show_post():
        return request.args.get('post_id')
    if __name__=="__main__":'')

    After saving, I always type python in the command line, see Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) as the return on the command line, and then type in the url (http://ip_addres:5000/post?id=1232) in chrome to see if it will return 1232, but it won't do it! Please help.

  • SAS
    SAS over 7 years
    What would the URL be then, please? Thank you so much!
  • SAS
    SAS over 7 years
    Thank you so much! What would the URL be then, please?
  • bdjett
    bdjett over 7 years
    The URL would still be http://<IP Address>:5000/post?id=1232. id is a query parameter that will appear in the request.args dictionary with the value 1232. Note I edited the above answer to correct the name of the parameter.
  • SAS
    SAS over 7 years
    so basically, the request.args.get('id') automatically inserts the param inside the url?
  • bdjett
    bdjett over 7 years
    No, not at all. You enter the URL Flask will cut off the query string, which is ?id=1232 and match on the actual path, which is /post. That path gets routed to the show_post function. request.args is a dictionary containing all of the query parameters that were passed along with the URL, which in this case is the key id and the value 1232. request.args here will be a dictionary that looks like this: {"id": "1232"}.
  • Raja Simon
    Raja Simon over 7 years
    @SAS please see my answer also
  • SAS
    SAS over 7 years
    Okay, cool!:D Thank you so much! Your answer was equally helpful! Now I not only can use the code that y'all offered, but also understand what it is doing:)