How to run script on AWS Cloud Formation startup as a different user?


su doesn't change the user for the remainder of the script, it starts a new interactive shell for the user you specify. In a non-interactive context like your script here, that shell exits immediately because there is nothing for it to do.

See this question for some suggestions on how to change user for a series of commands. Alternatively for individual commands you can do sudo -u ubuntu [...].

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Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Phil
    Phil almost 2 years

    I am having a lot of trouble launching an AWS Ubuntu instance (from a Cloud Formation template) and successfully running a script on startup. This script does run, but I do not want it running as root. I want the script to either be invoked as a different user or when the script runs for the script to change user.

    Since we are attempting to use Cloud Formation, I need to put the script or a reference to the script in my Template file. The relevant part of my template file is below. The script '' does run, but always as root.

    "MyImage" : {
            "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance",
            "Properties" : {
               "ImageId" : "xxxxxx",
               "KeyName" : "xxxxxx",
               "SecurityGroups" : [ "xxxxxx" ],
               "UserData" : {"Fn::Base64" : {"Fn::Join" : ["", [
                " \n"
                ] ] } }

    From the URL: it states that these scripts always run as root. So instead I decided to modify the script to change the user. Below is an example script that does not do what I want. I've commented it inline to explain what each stage does:

    whoami > /home/ubuntu/who1.txt    # Always returns 'root'
    su ubuntu                         # Appears to have no effect. Ubuntu user does exist
    whoami > /home/ubuntu/who2.txt    # Always returns 'root'
    su ubuntu echo fish > /home/ubuntu/aFile.txt  # File is not created
    sudo -u ubuntu bash               # Appears to have no effect
    whoami > /home/ubuntu/who3.txt    # Always returns 'root'

    I'm guessing that there's something fundamentally wrong with my script, but I just can't see it! has anyone got any experience with AWS and Cloud Formation and have you succeeded in running a script not as root? I really don't want the script running as root since the activities that are going to be started should not be owned at the root level.

    Thanks, Phil

  • Phil
    Phil almost 11 years
    Thanks for explaining that to me and the link is useful too. sudo -u ubuntu [...] worked as well. Thanks.
  • AJB
    AJB over 9 years
    Holy jumpin'. I looked for this for hours today and finally found something that works. Thank you a million times. Why doesn't AWS provide this information in their docs?
  • Nic3500
    Nic3500 over 6 years
    Please explain to the user the difference, why is it better than what he did (or was was his mistake)?