How to sort an array in a single loop?


Solution 1

Here, a single-loop Bubble Sort in Python:

def bubbly_sortish(data):
    for _ in xrange(len(data)**2):
        i, j = _/len(data), _%len(data)
        if i<j and data[i] > data[j]:
            data[i], data[j] = data[j], data[i]

A = [5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10]

print A            

Of course this is a joke. But this shows the number of loops has little to do with algorithm complexity.

Now, if you're asking if it is possible to sort an array with O(n) comparisons, no, it's not possible. The lower bound is Ω(n log n) for comparison-based sorting algorithms.

Solution 2

int list[] = { 45, 78, 22, 96, 10, 87, 68, 2 };
    for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
        if (list[i] < list[i - 1]) {
            list[i] = list[i] + list[i - 1];
            list[i - 1] = list[i] - list[i - 1];
            list[i] = list[i] - list[i - 1];
            i = 0;
    System.out.print("Sorted array is : ");
    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(list[i] + " ");

Solution 3

Single Loop Bubble Sort using C++

int a[7]={5,7,6,2,4,3,1};

int temp = 0;

int j = 0;

for(int i = 0 ; i<a[]-1 ; i++)
    int flag = 0;
        temp = a[i];
        a[i] = a[i+1];
        a[i+1] = temp;
        flag = 1;
    if(i == 7-2-j)
        if(!flag) break;
        i = -1;

Solution 4

In the general case you have O(n lg n) as an average.

But in particular cases, the best case is O(n), which I consider close enough to what you'd call "only one loop", even though the implementation may show more than one instance of the for keyword. And the good news with that, is that you're not depending on luck to make your best case a reality. Provided you know a few properties about your data, you can pick some specific algorithms. For example :

  • 3-way quicksort runs very near O(n) when you have a lot of items with only a few distinct sorting keys (think server log entries as items and dates as keys).
  • Counting sort runs in O(n+k) if your keys are easily indexable (like a character set, or small integers), and the index has a known upper bound k.
  • Burstsort will run in O(wn) if you're dealing with strings of maximum length w.

Those are but three examples. There are many more, way too many to recall from the top of my head, for many types of constrained data sets. If you have a real-life case at hand where O(n lg n) is not good enough, it's well worth doing some proper research, provided you identified a few interesting properties in your data.

Solution 5

function bruteForce(arr){
    for(var i=0;i<arr.length; ){
        if(arr[i+1]< arr[i]){
            var temp = arr[i];
            arr[i+1] = temp;
            if(i === -1) i=0;
        }else i++;

    return  arr;


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Aishwarya R
Author by

Aishwarya R

Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.

Updated on June 11, 2021


  • Aishwarya R
    Aishwarya R almost 3 years

    So I was going through different sorting algorithms. But almost all the sorting algorithms require 2 loops to sort the array. The time complexity of Bubble sort & Insertion sort is O(n) for Best case but is O(n^2) as worst case which again requires 2 loops. Is there a way to sort an array in a single loop?

  • Tripp Kinetics
    Tripp Kinetics over 8 years
    Sure it's possible. The quantum bogosort algorithm is O(n)!
  • Tripp Kinetics
    Tripp Kinetics over 8 years
    @MrSmith42 That's bogosort. Not quantum bogosort.
  • MrSmith42
    MrSmith42 over 8 years
    @Tripp Kinetics: Ok but you cannot implement it on a usual computer because you need all these universes. So for all now existing computers the lower bound Ω(n log n) is still valid.
  • Tripp Kinetics
    Tripp Kinetics over 8 years
    @MrSmith42 The universes exist already. The hard part is destroying this universe if the array isn't sorted. Besides, algorithms are a concept independent of computers.
  • Juan Lopes
    Juan Lopes over 8 years
    @TrippKinetics Not really. Algorithm complexity is intrinsically tied to the machine model the algorithm is supposed to run on. Would you say there are polynomial algorithms for all NP problems? But for a non-deterministic Turing machine this is just true. But no one says that. Even if bogosort could be solved by a "traditional" quantum computer, it would be in BQP, not P (necessarily)... and I think we got this joke just too far :)
  • greybeard
    greybeard over 8 years
    Comment (inside!) your code (know [Doxygen](, use a symbolic constant for the number of as elements, and a telling name instead of flag.
  • John Wu
    John Wu about 7 years
    This (known as a pigeonhole sort) is the only true example of a single loop sort that operates in O(n) time. Like any other sorting example, a loop is required to display the results, but only after the sorting is complete.
  • John Wu
    John Wu about 7 years
    Bear in mind that O(n lg n) is an average, not a lower bound. The lower bound is O(n) when the input is already sorted :)
  • Mathias Dolidon
    Mathias Dolidon about 7 years
    You're right, this was a bad mistake ! I'll correct my post immediately. Thank you very much !
  • LifeInTheTrees
    LifeInTheTrees about 7 years
    According ot Wiki, Pigeonhole sort is a mathematical concept rather than a programming array process, although pigeonhole sorting of arrays is very common. I used this solution to sort 10 million points in less than 1-2 seconds, its very easy to program and has near maximum efficiency for num instructions, it is literally 12 lines of code.
  • sɐunıɔןɐqɐp
    sɐunıɔןɐqɐp almost 6 years
    Welcome to Stack Overflow! Please don't answer just with source code. Try to provide a nice description about how your solution works. See: How do I write a good answer?. Thanks
  • paxdiablo
    paxdiablo almost 6 years
    @TrippKinetics, there's absolutely no need to destroy the universes where the data isn't sorted. Someone will be in the one where they are sorted :-)
    NONONONONO over 5 years
    People should mind that this is a specific array that can be sorted by one iteration of bubble sort.
  • chakeda
    chakeda about 5 years
    It could be helpful if you added some context to your answer.
  • Kemin Zhou
    Kemin Zhou about 5 years
    This is essentially bubble sort in what language? Could be perl or shell script without context, people have a hard time understanding.
  • puneet jain
    puneet jain about 5 years
    Sorry for not giving the context. The following code is in php. you can test the code on
  • baymax
    baymax about 5 years
    @puneetjain Edit the answer with the above comment. Comments are for reviewers not for additional info from the author. You could additional use Edit1/Edit2/ etc markers in case of unrelated info to the answer to a specific comment. Happy using SO.
  • Varun Jain
    Varun Jain about 4 years
    I have edited your question. But a tip for next time would be that if you're posting a code then use the given alignment option for better understanding.
  • greybeard
    greybeard about 4 years
    This saves two tokens compared to starting the loop index at 0.
  • greybeard
    greybeard about 4 years
    Voted down for not mentioning the language and presenting a redundant conditional statement in deviant syntax.
  • greybeard
    greybeard about 4 years
    Output for {3, 2, 1}: [2, 1, 3].
  • greybeard
    greybeard about 4 years
    What is the addition to all the other suggestions starting the index at 0 and resetting it to -1? (If and when you edit the question, please fix the formatting of the code block. I found it least cumbersome to just enclose code with lines containing ~~~, the first one mentioning the language as need be.)