How to switch between hide and view password


Solution 1

You can dynamically change the attributes of a TextView. If you would set the XML Atrribute android:password to true the view would show dots if you set it to false the text is shown.

With the method setTransformationMethod you should be able to change this attributes from code. (Disclaimer: I have not tested if the method still works after the view is displayed. If you encounter problems with that leave me a comment for me to know.)

The full sample code would be

yourTextView.setTransformationMethod(new PasswordTransformationMethod());

to hide the password. To show the password you could set one of the existing transformation methods or implement an empty TransformationMethod that does nothing with the input text.

yourTextView.setTransformationMethod(new DoNothingTransformation());

Solution 2

It is really easy to achieve since the Support Library v24.2.0.

What you need to do is just:

  1. Add the design library to your dependecies

    dependencies {
         compile ""
  2. Use TextInputEditText in conjunction with TextInputLayout


The passwordToggleEnabled attribute will do the job!

  1. In your root layout don't forget to add xmlns:app=""

  2. You can customize your password toggle by using:

app:passwordToggleDrawable - Drawable to use as the password input visibility toggle icon.
app:passwordToggleTint - Icon to use for the password input visibility toggle.
app:passwordToggleTintMode - Blending mode used to apply the background tint.

More details in TextInputLayout documentation.

enter image description here

For AndroidX

  • Replace with

  • Replace with

Solution 3

To show the dots instead of the password set the PasswordTransformationMethod:

yourEditText.setTransformationMethod(new PasswordTransformationMethod());

of course you can set this by default in your edittext element in the xml layout with


To re-show the readable password, just pass null as transformation method:


Solution 4

To show:


To hide:

editText.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);

After each of these the cursor is reset, so:


Solution 5

You can use app:passwordToggleEnabled="true"

here is example given below


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Author by


Electrical Engineer with experience in microprocessor hardware design, ASM, PL/M, C/C++, C#, Android, Linux, Python, and Java. First high school radio design burst into flames during the demo. First software program was FORTRAN on punch cards. Worked in FL, IL, ND, NJ, TX, VA, and WA.

Updated on May 30, 2021


  • jacknad
    jacknad almost 3 years

    Is there a clever way to let the user switch between hide and view password in an android EditText? A number of PC based apps let the user do this.

  • Wilka
    Wilka almost 13 years
    android:password is deprecated now, and you should use android:inputType instead.
  • Mostafa
    Mostafa over 12 years
    You can also make your users happy by saving cursor position before setting transformation method and restoring after it. Use editText.getSelectionStart() and editText.getSelectionEnd() for saving cursor position and editText.setSelection(start, end) for restoring it.
  • Johann
    Johann almost 11 years
    @Wilka: android:inputType does NOT let you switch back and forth between the two states at run-time. It only allows you to switch once and once you change it, you cannot change it back. And no, the setTransformationMethod is NOT deprecated.
  • Matt Quigley
    Matt Quigley over 9 years
    To show the password, you don't need to make any new classes. Just call setTransformationMethod(null).
  • sujith s
    sujith s about 9 years
    @Janusz , use of the following will give gud solution. setTransformationMethod(PasswordTransformationMethod.getInst‌​ance()); and setTransformationMethod(HideReturnsTransformationMethod.getI‌​nstance());
  • Narendra Singh
    Narendra Singh over 8 years
    @Janusz but how to get show / hide keys in keyboard?
  • tsiro
    tsiro about 8 years
    when calling setTransformationMethod on an EditeText the onTextChanged callback of the EditText is being it possible not this being happened?
  • guisantogui
    guisantogui about 8 years
    Do you have any idea how to use setError with this component, once the error is flagged the show/hide icon become invisible
  • Sergio
    Sergio over 7 years
    Correct. The "setTransformationMethod() is the key. All you need is switch in your listener: etPassword.setTransformationMethod(null) / etPassword.setTransformationMethod(new PasswordTransformationMethod()). By default, set in your xml EditView "android:inputType="textPassword""
  • MiguelHincapieC
    MiguelHincapieC over 7 years
    In version 25.1.0 I have a weird behavior: it shows the password toggle once but if you press it, it will disappear o_O'
  • mmBs
    mmBs over 7 years
    Yeah, there are also some quirks with android:text attribute on TextInputEditText. You can always raise an issue on Google Issues Tracker for Android
  • Samad
    Samad over 7 years
    is there any way to move the icon to the left side?
  • mmBs
    mmBs over 7 years
    @Delta7 There are some ways and workarounds. Please, ask the question on SO, paste a link here and I will try to help you.
  • Gunavant Patel
    Gunavant Patel about 5 years
    Not need to set text again only call firstEditText.invalidate();
  • Ruslan Berozov
    Ruslan Berozov about 5 years
    Today it must be a preferred to use answer
  • Sadda Hussain
    Sadda Hussain over 4 years
    That increases the height of the view in my case. Is there any way to remove padding from toggle drawable.
  • FabioR
    FabioR over 4 years
    The only way that actually worked for me programmatically, I needed my TextInputEditText to be numbers only and to also allow password visibility to be toggled on and off (when the person clicks the eye icon). These are the lines that helped me achieve that: textnputLayout.isPasswordVisibilityToggleEnabled = true textInputEditText.transformationMethod = PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance() textInputEditText.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER
  • Nicolas
    Nicolas about 4 years
    This is deprecated in material components. Use app:endIconMode="password_toggle".
  • Josh Sutterfield
    Josh Sutterfield almost 4 years
    Thanks. However, in my build the show/hide graphics are oddly reversed from your screenshot - it shows the crossed-out-eye when password is hidden - I guess someone decided buttons should show current state instead of action (or goal state).
  • Rahmat Ihsan
    Rahmat Ihsan almost 4 years
    @JoshSutterfield agree. so if we want action button, we have to reverse it manually using app:passwordToggleDrawable (deprecated) or app:endIconDrawable then use custom drawable like <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_eye_close" android:state_checked="true"/> <item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_eye_open"/> </selector> I think google should fix this behavior. Good discussion
  • FluffyKitten
    FluffyKitten over 3 years
    Welcome to Stack Overflow. Code-only answers are discouraged on Stack Overflow because they don't explain how it solves the problem. Please edit your answer to explain how this answers the question and and how it improves on the many existing upvoted answers answers the question already has, so that it is useful to the OP as well as other users with similar issues.
