how to unit test core application with constructor dependency injection


Solution 1

Your controllers in .net core have dependency injection in mind from the start, but this does not mean you are required to use a dependency injection container.

Given a simpler class like:

public class MyController : Controller

    private readonly IMyInterface _myInterface;

    public MyController(IMyInterface myInterface)
        _myInterface = myInterface;

    public JsonResult Get()
        return Json(_myInterface.Get());

public interface IMyInterface
    IEnumerable<MyObject> Get();

public class MyClass : IMyInterface
    public IEnumerable<MyObject> Get()
        // implementation

So in your app, you're using the dependency injection container in your startup.cs, which does nothing more than provide a concretion of MyClass to use when IMyInterface is encountered. This does not mean it is the only way of getting instances of MyController however.

In a unit testing scenario, you can (and should) provide your own implementation (or mock/stub/fake) of IMyInterface as so:

public class MyTestClass : IMyInterface
    public IEnumerable<MyObject> Get()
        List<MyObject> list = new List<MyObject>();
        // populate list
        return list;

and in your test:

public class MyControllerTests

    MyController _systemUnderTest;
    IMyInterface _myInterface;

    public void Setup()
        _myInterface = new MyTestClass();
        _systemUnderTest = new MyController(_myInterface);


So for the scope of unit testing MyController, the actual implementation of IMyInterface does not matter (and should not matter), only the interface itself matters. We have provided a "fake" implementation of IMyInterface through MyTestClass, but you could also do this with a mock like through Moq or RhinoMocks.

Bottom line, you do not actually need the dependency injection container to accomplish your tests, only a separate, controllable, implementation/mock/stub/fake of your tested classes dependencies.

Solution 2

Although @Kritner's answer is correct, I prefer the following for code integrity and better DI experience:

public class MatchRepositoryTests
    private readonly IMatchRepository matchRepository;

    public MatchRepositoryTests()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        services.AddTransient<IMatchRepository, MatchRepositoryStub>();

        var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        matchRepository = serviceProvider.GetService<IMatchRepository>();

Solution 3

A simple way, I wrote a generic dependency resolver helper class and then built the IWebHost in my unit test class.

Generic Dependency Resolver

        using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
        using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
        using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
        using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
        using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
        public class DependencyResolverHelper
            private readonly IWebHost _webHost;
            /// <inheritdoc />
            public DependencyResolverHelper(IWebHost webHost) => _webHost = webHost;
            public T GetService<T>()
                var serviceScope = _webHost.Services.CreateScope();
                var services = serviceScope.ServiceProvider;
                  var scopedService = services.GetRequiredService<T>();
                  return scopedService;
                catch (Exception e)

Unit Test Project:

        public class DependencyResolverTests
            private DependencyResolverHelper _serviceProvider;

            public DependencyResolverTests()

                var webHost = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder()
                _serviceProvider = new DependencyResolverHelper(webHost);
            public void Service_Should_Get_Resolved()
                var YourService = _serviceProvider.GetService<IYourService>();


Solution 4

If you are using the Program.cs + Startup.cs convention and want to get this working quickly you can reuse your existing host builder with a one-liner:

using MyWebProjectNamespace;

public class MyTests
    readonly IServiceProvider _services = 
        Program.CreateHostBuilder(new string[] { }).Build().Services; // one liner

    public void GetMyTest()
        var myService = _services.GetRequiredService<IMyService>();

Sample Program.cs file from web project:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

namespace MyWebProjectNamespace
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args) =>

        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

Solution 5

You can use core DI and inject mocked instance objects in your tests. Here is a full working example :

For the sake of the example :

  • I only kept the IMatchService dependency from the code snippet of the initial question
  • I added a DoSomething action in the MatchController so that there is someting to test.
  • I added an Add method to the IMatchService and the MatchService classes so that there is soemthing to mock.

Please note that the methods that will have a Setup with Moq should be virtual.

public class MatchController : AuthorizedController
  private readonly IMatchService _matchService;

  public MatchController(IMatchService matchService)
    _matchService = matchService;

  public virtual int DoSomething()
    return _matchService.Add(1, 2);

public interface IMatchService
  int Add(int a, int b);

public class MatchService : IMatchService
  public virtual int Add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

It's always possible to get the Mock by calling the Mock.Get method. For conveniance for each dependency, I create two properties like MatchService and MockedMatchService.

public class MyTests
  protected IMatchService MatchService { get; set; }

  protected Mock<IMatchService> MockedMatchService => Mock.Get(MatchService);

  private IServiceProvider ServicesProvider { get; set; }

  public void SetupBeforeEachTest()
    // Configure DI container
    ServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
    ServicesProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

    // Use DI to get instances of IMatchService
    MatchService = ServicesProvider.GetService<IMatchService>();

  // In this test I mock the Add method of the dependency (IMatchService) so that it returns a value I choose
  public void TestMethod()
    // Prepare
    var matchController = ServicesProvider.GetService<MatchController>();
    int expectedResult = 5;
    MockedMatchService.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(expectedResult);

    // Act - This will call the real DoSomething method because the MatchController has comes from a Mock with CallBase = true
    int result = matchController.DoSomething();

    // Check
    Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result);

  private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

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Updated on October 31, 2021


  • ganjan
    ganjan over 2 years

    I have a core application that uses dependency injection defined in the startup.cs class of the application:

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
            // Repositories
            services.AddScoped<IUserRepository, UserRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<IUserRoleRepository, UserRoleRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<IRoleRepository, RoleRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<ILoggingRepository, LoggingRepository>();
            // Services
            services.AddScoped<IMembershipService, MembershipService>();
            services.AddScoped<IEncryptionService, EncryptionService>();
            // new repos
            services.AddScoped<IMatchService, MatchService>();
            services.AddScoped<IMatchRepository, MatchRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<IMatchBetRepository, MatchBetRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<ITeamRepository, TeamRepository>();
            services.AddScoped<IFootballAPI, FootballAPIService>();

    This allows something like this:

    public class MatchController : AuthorizedController
        private readonly IMatchService _matchService;
        private readonly IMatchRepository _matchRepository;
        private readonly IMatchBetRepository _matchBetRepository;
        private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
        private readonly ILoggingRepository _loggingRepository;
        public MatchController(IMatchService matchService, IMatchRepository matchRepository, IMatchBetRepository matchBetRepository, ILoggingRepository loggingRepository, IUserRepository userRepository)
            _matchService = matchService;
            _matchRepository = matchRepository;
            _matchBetRepository = matchBetRepository;
            _userRepository = userRepository;
            _loggingRepository = loggingRepository;

    This is very neat. But becomes a problem when I want to unit test. Because my test library does not have a startup.cs where I setup dependency injection. So a class with these interfaces as params will just be null.

    namespace TestLibrary
        public class FootballAPIService
            private readonly IMatchRepository _matchRepository;
            private readonly ITeamRepository _teamRepository;
            public FootballAPIService(IMatchRepository matchRepository, ITeamRepository teamRepository)
                _matchRepository = matchRepository;
                _teamRepository = teamRepository;

    In the code above, in the test library, _matchRepository and _teamRepository, will just be null. :(

    Can I do something like ConfigureServices, where I define dependency injection in my test library project?

  • ganjan
    ganjan almost 8 years
    Package RhinoMocks 3.6.1 is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0). Package RhinoMocks 3.6.1 supports: net (.NETFramework,Version=v0.0)
  • Alexandru Marculescu
    Alexandru Marculescu almost 8 years
    Other frameworks are slowly taking this set.
  • Ric .Net
    Ric .Net almost 8 years
    Perfect answer. I would even go as far as not using a DI container at all ever in your unit test. Offcourse except for unit tests aiming to test the correctness of the DI configuration, like the order of applied decorators for example
  • Sinaesthetic
    Sinaesthetic over 6 years
    I'm not sure how helpful this is when you have classes upon classes that all need a number of dependencies to be injected. What I'd like to do is be able to register default implementations (or mocks with default behaviors) so that I can instantiate those object graphs without having to setup 30 dependencies first, but rather reconfigure the ones that I need for the test.
  • Neville Nazerane
    Neville Nazerane almost 6 years
    GetService<> has some overloads that can be found with using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Neville Nazerane
    Neville Nazerane almost 6 years
    I just tested this out. this is a far more valid answer than the marked answer. This uses DI. I tried using this over the same extension function that I use for the website. this feature works perfectly
  • lnaie
    lnaie over 5 years
    a nice example about how to replace Autofac with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Fabian Bigler
    Fabian Bigler over 5 years
    Added "using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" but "AddTransient" is still missing from ServiceCollection. Any1 knows how to fix this?
  • facundofarias
    facundofarias over 5 years
    Yes, this should be the default answer. We have placed an entire suite testing all the services to be injected, and it works like a charm. Thanks!
  • Erik Philips
    Erik Philips about 5 years
    This does not Unit-Test the Service, this is an Integration-Test with Microsofts DI. Microsoft already has unit tests to test DI, so there is no reason to do this. If you want to test that and object is registered, that is a separation of concerns and should be in it's own test. Unit-Testing and object means testing the object itself with no external dependencies.
  • Erik Philips
    Erik Philips about 5 years
    @Sinaesthetic that's what Testing and Mocking frameworks are for. nUnit allows you to create one-time or run-per-test methods that allow you to mock everything, then in your tests only be concerned with configuring the method you are testing. Actually using DI for a Test means it's not longer a Unit-Test but an Integration-Test with Microsofts (or 3rd Partys) DI.
  • Sinaesthetic
    Sinaesthetic about 5 years
    "Actually using DI for a Test means it's not longer a Unit-Test" can't really agree with you there, at least not at face value. Oftentimes, the DI is necessary to simply initialize the class so that the unit can be tested. The point being that the dependencies are mocked so that you can test the unit's behavior around the dependency. I think you might be referring to a scenario where one would be injecting a fully functional dependency, then it might be an integration test, unless the dependencies of that object are also mocked. There are many one-off scenarios that could be discussed.
  • Eugene Podskal
    Eugene Podskal over 4 years
    Disposing the scope seems wrong to me -… - Once Dispose is called, any scoped services that have been resolved from ServiceProvider will be disposed..
  • Mosta
    Mosta over 4 years
    You may need to remove the "using" statement to avoid "disposed object error" on your DBcontexts
  • Casey Crookston
    Casey Crookston almost 4 years
    I don't understand what IWebHost is, and how I would translate this into my own unit test project.
  • Paul Carlton
    Paul Carlton over 3 years
    We use dependency injection heavily in our unit tests. We use them extensively for mocking purposes. I'm not sure why at all you would not want to use DI in your tests. We're not software engineering our infrastructure for tests, but rather we're using DI to make it really easy to mock and inject objects that a test would need. And we can fine tune what objects are available in our ServiceCollection from the start. It's particularly helpful for scaffolding, and it's helpful for integration tests too so... yeah I'd be FOR using DI in your tests.
  • Nexus
    Nexus over 3 years
    Fabulous! Thank you very much. I can see how setting up a new ServiceCollection in [SetUp] could be useful, or even mocking the dependencies. But really, what I wanna do is use the same service collection used by my web app, and run tests against the same environment. Cheers!
  • Yanal-Yves Fargialla
    Yanal-Yves Fargialla almost 3 years
    I agree with @Sinaesthetic, please have a look at my answer below where I use core DI and Moq to inject mock instance objects :…
  • AndyS
    AndyS almost 3 years
    Brilliant in it's simplicity!
  • user357086
    user357086 over 2 years
    Awesome. Just that one liner got me going fairly quick on bunch of unit tests that I wanted to write. Thank you Matthew!
  • Stephen Garside
    Stephen Garside over 2 years
    Nice concise approach, thanks for sharing
  • zola25
    zola25 over 2 years
    This is absolutely the correct answer. I can't believe it's not the highest voted answer - all the higher voted answers are missing the point. The point is you should isolate the part of the system under test, when you use a DI container, you are recreating the whole system. You shouldn't use a DI container in your unit tests, except when you use it in your system under test, which is usually unnecessary. If you've got a lot of dependencies, you can mock them using e.g. NSubstitute. If that still feels like a lot of effort for each test, you've probably got too many dependencies
  • Stephen Garside
    Stephen Garside over 2 years
    Thanks for sharing! Just to reiterate the comment above about the Using Statement and DbContext being disposed. Got me for a few hours that one!
  • Joshua Duxbury
    Joshua Duxbury over 2 years
    No problem, glad everyone is finding it useful, I've updated the code and removed the using statement so no one else runs into that issue @StephenGarside
