How to write RDD[String] to parquet file with schema inference?


It could be possible to do this in Spark 1.6.x, as the csv library from Databricks supports a method to transform a RDD[String] using the csv parser. In Spark version >= 2.0 this support has been merged onto the main project, and this method was removed from the interface. Also many of the methods are private, so it's harder to get around, but maybe it's worth exploring the underlying univocity parsing library

Using Databricks' Spark CSV support on Spark 1.6.1, we can do something like this:

import com.databricks.spark.csv.CsvParser

val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkContext)
val parser = new CsvParser().withInferSchema(true)

val rdd = sparkContext.textFile("/home/maasg/playground/data/sample-no-header.csv")
rdd.take(1) // show a sample data 
// Array[String] = Array(2000,JOHN,KINGS,50)

val df = parser.csvRdd(sqlContext, rdd)
df.schema() // let's inspect the inferred schema
// org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(C0,IntegerType,true), StructField(C1,StringType,true), StructField(C2,StringType,true), StructField(C3,IntegerType,true))
df.write.parquet("/tmp/sample.parquet") // write it to parquet

It should be trivial to integrate such code in Spark Streaming, within a foreachRDD{rdd => ...} call.

Andrea T. Bonanno
Author by

Andrea T. Bonanno

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Andrea T. Bonanno
    Andrea T. Bonanno almost 2 years

    My Spark Streaming job needs to handle a RDD[String] where String corresponds to a row of a csv file. I don't know the schema beforehand so I need to infer the schema from the RDD then write its content to a parquet file. If I was reading a csv file from disk, I could just load everything into a DataFrame with schema inference and write it to parquet straight away. In my scenario though, my starting point is a RDD[String] that I get as a result of a stream.