I want to access my systems ringtones in flutter


I managed to get it done using native code

  1. First you would create those things on the Flutter side.

    // here where your ringtones will be stored
    List<Object?> result = ['Andromeda'];
    // this is the channel that links flutter with native code
    static const channel = MethodChannel('com.example.pomo_app/mychannel');
    // this method waits for results from the native code 
    Future<void> getRingtones() async {
        try {
          result = await channel.invokeMethod('getAllRingtones');
        } on PlatformException catch (ex) {
          print('Exception: $ex.message');
  2. Know you need to implement the native code. Go to MainActivity.kt

    // add the name of the channel that we made in flutter code
    private val channel = "com.example.pomo_app/mychannel"
    // add this method to handle the calls from flutter
    MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, channel)
      .setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
                when (call.method) {
                    "getAllRingtones" -> {
    // this function will return all the ringtones names as a list
    private fun getAllRingtones(context: Context): List<String> {
      val manager = RingtoneManager(context)
      val cursor: Cursor = manager.cursor
      val list: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
      while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        val notificationTitle: String = cursor.getString(RingtoneManager.TITLE_COLUMN_INDEX)
      return list

that's it I hope this is helpful. any questions let me know.

Author by


Updated on January 02, 2023


  • zaynOm
    zaynOm over 1 year

    Is there any way to get all the Ringtones of the phone using flutter, and set the chosen one as the default ringtone of my app?

    thanks in advance

    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
      you may refer to this link pub.dev/packages/flutter_ringtone_player
    • zaynOm
      zaynOm over 2 years
      I tried it but it plays the default ones. what I want instead is to get them all and let the user choose which one he wants.
    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
      then I think you have to use MethodChannel to write platform specific code to get the llst.
    • zaynOm
      zaynOm over 2 years
      thanks, man that's what I'm gonna do.
    • Diwyansh
      Diwyansh over 2 years
      pleased to help...