Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability error from Google Play Store


As@tao mentioned, let me post the solution here.

Problem Reason:

HMS Core Push kit earlier than version、Analytics Kit earlier than version and Account kit earlier than version contain the Implicit PendingIntent issue.


Push Kit SDK version、Analytics Kit SDK version and Account kit SDK version have been released and fixed the Implicit PendingIntent issue. They've been tested and verified by developers and can be approved by Google for release.

If you are currently using the plug-in(such as React Native, Cordova, Ionic,Flutter), Before the new version of those plug-in released, Huawei also provide a workaround solution(By manually changing the version number).

The following describes the modification method (based on the 5.x plug-in):

  • React Native
  1. After the HMS Core plug-in is installed in the RN, the plug-in package is stored in node_modules/@hmscore.

    enter image description here

  2. You need to modify the build.gradle file in the node_modules/@hmscore/react-native-hms-account/android directory (taking the Account Kit plug-in as an example):

    Open the build.gradle file and change the SDK version in dependencies.

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
    implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+'  // From node_modules
    implementation 'com.huawei.hms:hwid:'
  1. After the update, run the following command to start compilation again. The plug-in downloads the new SDK:

    react-native run-android

  • Cordova/Ionic
  1. If you have installed the plugin as Huawei document describred, the plugin should be saved in node_modules/@hmscore folder.

    enter image description here

  2. You need to modify the plugin.xml file in the node_modules/@hmscore/cordova-plugin-hms-push directory. (The following uses the Push Kit plug-in as an example)

    Open the Plugin.xml file, search for the keyword framework, and find the SDK to be modified.

<framework src="androidx.core:core:1.3.1"/>
<framework src="com.facebook.fresco:fresco:2.2.0"/>
<framework src="com.huawei.hms:push:" />
<framework src="resources/plugin.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference"/>

Change the version number to the new one and save it.

  1. Go back to the application root directory and delete the platforms/android and plugins/cordova-plugin-hms-push folder.

    enter image description here

  2. Run the following command in the root directory:


    cordova platform add android

    cordova run android --device


    ionic cordova platform add android

    ionic build

    ionic cordova run android --device

  3. Ionic (Capacitor) operates in different ways:

    ①. Delete the capacitor-cordova-android-plugins folder from the android directory.

    enter image description here

    ②. Modify the plugin.xml file according to the description in step 2.

    ③. Run the following command:

    ionic build

    npx cap sync

    npx cap open android

    ④. Recompile in the Android Studio


The plug-ins above are used in open source mode, so developers can modify them directly.

However, the Xamarin plug-in is published in Nuget Package mode. Therefore, you cannot modify the SDK version. If this problem occurs, please feel free to contact us.

Author by


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Updated on December 31, 2022


  • shirley
    shirley over 1 year

    Problem Describe:

    Recently, some developers have reported that they want to update their app(s) on Play Store, However, it receives rejection from Google with the title Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability, said that their app(s) contain an Implicit PendingIntent issue. And they need to fix this issue before the deadlines shown in their Play Console, or app(s) may be removed from Google Play.

    enter image description here

    Similar Question: Google denied update due Remediation for Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability

    • tao
      tao over 2 years
      please modify your question so that it only contains the question/problem and move the "solution" into an answer. By design, this ensures improved search indexing and your answer will help more users with this problem.
    • shirley
      shirley over 2 years
      thanks@tao, i will updated this