In flutter app how put data from header to appBar


Define a variable (or widget) that displays the text in the AppBar:

String appBarTitle = "Initial Value";

Define Scroll Controller:

ScrollController scrollController;

Define a function to act on scroll events (which changes the value of the AppBar title): (Just added one example of the position here which is when reaching the bottom)

  void _scrollListener() {
    if (scrollController.offset != scrollController.position.minScrollExtent &&
        !scrollController.position.outOfRange) {
      // at bottom
      // change the value of the AppBar string
      setState(() {
        appBarTitle = "Something new";

init scroll controller

  void initState() {
    scrollController = ScrollController();

Define AppBar in your scaffold as:

        title: Text(appBarTitle),

Using the above, you can make the AppBar title change when the list is scrolled to the bottom - you could then edit _scrollListener to change the value according to your desired logic.

Author by


Updated on December 01, 2022


  • Vasyl
    Vasyl over 1 year

    I have ListView and when I'm scrolling the list I want to show data from header which extends beyond the top of the screen in appBar. StickyHeader do not suggest. I specifically need to show information from the header in the appBar I was trying to use scrollcontroller but without success var _controller = ScrollController();

       void initState() {
       // Setup the listener.
       _controller.addListener(() {
         if (_controller.position.atEdge) {
           if (_controller.position.pixels == 0) {
             // You're at the top. 
           } else {
              // You're at the bottom. 

    It turns out to show something only when I return to the top of the list. But I can't find a way out of my situation to show information

    enter image description here

    from each header that is at the top of the list so I want to replace "Not sticky Example" to "Header #0", when it is on top, and when the "Header #2" is on top to show it on appBar