Include External js file to angular 5.0.0 project


Edit the scripts array in angular-cli.json or angular.json.

You must also specify the assets folder:

"scripts": [
Shruti Nair
Author by

Shruti Nair

Working at Suyati Technologies as Hybrid mobile App Developer

Updated on June 11, 2022


  • Shruti Nair
    Shruti Nair almost 2 years

    I'm trying to include hello.js in my angular 5.0.2 project.

    Below is the cli version

    enter image description here

    I have added the script file to the angular-cli.json file.

    "scripts": [

    The path is correct as i'm also loading style in the angular-cli.json which are loading fine.

    In my service file i'm importing hello as below:

    declare var hello: any;
    declare var gapi: any;

    but when i run ng build the console shows the error:

    Cannot find module 'hello'.

    If i load the files through script tag in the index.html the code and imports works fine .Only when i add it to the angular-cli.json file it stops working.

    Please guide Thanks