Is 'sub' claim part of openid scope or profile scope?


Solution 1

sub is a required claim of the id_token - and the openid scope is the required minimum scope to make an OpenID Connect authentication request. You can mix openid with other scopes - but openid must be present.

That's their relationship.

IdentityServer emits standard claim types (e.g. sub) according to:

It's the Microsoft JWT handler that turns these standard claims into Microsoft proprietary ones. You can turn this annoying behaviour off via:


Solution 2

Neither, it's just a required claim of the ID Token, whenever one is issued.


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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • LP13
    LP13 almost 2 years

    As per the OpenID Connect specification is sub claim part of openid scope or profile scope? I could not find that information

    I am using IdentityServer3 for authentication. Client is making the request to the server as below. In response I don't get sub claim which is required as per the Open ID Connect specification. However response does include which has same value as sub Is the nameidentifier same as sub claim.

    Here is client request

        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                AuthenticationType = "Cookies"
            app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
                Authority = "https://localhost:44314/identity",
                Scope = "openid",
                ClientId = "LocalHostMvcClient",
                RedirectUri = "http://localhost:34937/",
                ResponseType = "id_token",
                SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies",

    id_token response

    enter image description here

    Update 2
    based on the comments below I have updated client's startup file

        private void TurnOffMicrosoftJWTMapping()
            //The long claim names come from Microsoft’s JWT handler trying to map some claim types to .NET’s ClaimTypes class types. 
            //We can turn off this behavior with the following line of code (in Startup).
            //This also means that we need to adjust the configuration for anti-CSRF protection to the new unique sub claim type:
            AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier = ClaimTypes.Subject;
            JwtSecurityTokenHandler.InboundClaimTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    and then call this method in client's startup

    public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            //configure OpenIDConnect request here
  • LP13
    LP13 almost 8 years
    ok so after searching I found this discussion‌​sues/173 IdentityServer3 will map sub claim to nameidentifier
  • N Sharma
    N Sharma about 6 years
    sub string - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer. - so this can have any value ?
  • Waqas Raja
    Waqas Raja over 5 years
    the signature are changed but Microsoft Proprietary ones made me mad. Following saved my life System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityTokenHandler.Defa‌​ultInboundClaimTypeM‌​ap.Clear()