Is it possible to format C++ code with VIM?


Solution 1

While vim is a true Swiss-knife I still prefer external tools for some jobs. This approach is some times much more intuitive and easy to remember than using the built-in equivalent.

In the case of indenting, I filter the whole file buffer through astyle. The astyle parameters are much easier to grasp in a couple of minutes, especially if you are not a vim guru. Also astyle provides much more flexibility in fine-tuning the output.

First install astyle:
# apt-get install astyle

Then inside vim:
:%!astyle (simple case - astyle default mode is C/C++)
:%!astyle --mode=c --style=ansi -s2 (ansi C++ style, use two spaces per indent level)
:1,40!astyle --mode=c --style=ansi (ansi C++ style, filter only lines 1-40)

Solution 2

you can do the following:


Solution 3

I would highly recommend clang-format nowadays. It allows simple integration of clang-format into Vim, once you have clang-format installed:

It is the only code beautifier that really understands your C++ code, and it is really intelligent to beautify the code more like a human being than a machine. E.g.:

void TestFunction(int argument1, int argument2,
                  int argument3);
void TestFunctionVeryLongName(int argument1,
                              int argument2,
                              int argument3);
void TestFunctionWithRidiculouslyLongName(
    int argument1, int argument2, int argument3);

Solution 4

Vim will definitely do this, although the results may not be perfect:

  1. First, select the entire file in visual mode: ggVG
  2. Then hit = to reindent everything.

You can learn more about the equal command with: :help =

Solution 5

There is a vim plugin that enables formatting on your code from within vim. It's called vim-autoformat and you can download it here:

It integrates external code-formatting programs into vim. For example, if you want to format C, C++, C# or Java code, you need to install the program astyle, and vim sets it as the format program automatically.

Open the way
Author by

Open the way

Updated on July 14, 2021


  • Open the way
    Open the way almost 3 years

    I am rather new to VIM. I got some source code and this is a mess. At a first sight I would like at least to get a clear and organised view of the code, so I like to get it rightly formatted, I mean indented depending on the depth of the functions and so.

    I wonder if it can be done with VIM, and otherwise which other commandline tools for that can you recommend.


  • Sarah
    Sarah about 14 years
    To clarify, =[motion] indents the region encompassed by the motion. gg moves to the beginning of the file and G moves to the end of the file.
  • Open the way
    Open the way about 14 years
    thanks for the info, but i prefer VIM because i have to debug code on remote machines
  • hasen
    hasen about 14 years
    or start with V to enter visual line mode, then move down with j to select all the lines you want to format, then hit =
  • Benoit
    Benoit about 13 years
    I don't like gg=G. Why? Because when you break long list with commas (argument list, long booleans) it will break manual alignment.
  • danihodovic
    danihodovic about 10 years
    Is it possible to map this to a key combination like ctrl+shift+F?
  • Tom Ozx
    Tom Ozx over 9 years
    You can also override Vim's indent operator (=) to use Astyle by setting equalprg to astyle (e.g: set equalprg=~/astyle\ --style=google)
  • Daniel
    Daniel over 7 years
    An alternative to the keybindings suggested in the clang-format manual is to use the equalprg binding in vim. This allows you to invoke clang-format with G=gg or other = indent options. Just put the following in your .vimrc file: autocmd FileType c,cpp setlocal equalprg=clang-format