Is there a way to get Google Earth to run on Windows 8.1 preview?


I found the problem to be with Nvidia on a Lenovo Laptop T440p. In the Nvidia control panel, I set Google Earth to use the integrated graphics (Intel HD in this case) instead of the Nvidia and it starts now.


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Mohd Sohail Ahmed
Author by

Mohd Sohail Ahmed

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Mohd Sohail Ahmed
    Mohd Sohail Ahmed over 1 year

    I'm trying to learn to use Rxjava to make Api calls with retrofit. I have to make multiple api calls in a loop. I'm struggling with getting the value in my subscriber.

    @GET("pokemon" + "/{id}")
    fun getPokemonData(@Path("id") id: Int):

    I'm expecting to get a Pokemon object in my Subscriber but instead I get a Observable. How do I transform it to a Pokemon object?

            .flatMap { it ->
                    .map { PokeApi.retrofitService.getPokemonData(getPokemonIdFromUrl(it))
                    //onNext --I'm expecting to get a Pokemon Object here, instead I get a Observable<Pokemon>
            }, {//onError} , {// do something when all api calls are done?})

    My goal is to make api calls with ids in the "list" and get "notified" when all the api calls are finished. Is this the correct approach to solve this problem ?

    • Ramhound
      Ramhound over 10 years
      If it doesn't work in compatible mode you are out of luck. It sounds like there is something specifc about the application that makes it incompatible with Windwos 8.1 Preview. I would wait until its updated and/or Windows 8.1 RTM
    • kinokijuf
      kinokijuf over 9 years
      This question appears to be off-topic because it is about old prerelease software
    • Bryant
      Bryant over 9 years
      If you read the update, it didn't work on Windows 8.1 RTM either.
    • Fred
      Fred over 3 years
      what's list? At first sight, you shouldn't be experiencing what you describe.
    • Mohd Sohail Ahmed
      Mohd Sohail Ahmed over 3 years
      list is a List<PokemonApiCallUrls> object type. where PokemonApiCallUrls is data class PokemonApiCallUrls(val url: String)
  • Bryant
    Bryant over 10 years
    Google Earth works fine in Windows 8. It doesn't work in Windows 8.1.
  • Bryant
    Bryant about 10 years
    How do you set that when the program doesn't start?