Java: Compiling and running multiple packages from the command-line


Solution 1

The solution was to include the classpath when compiling. That way it can find the packages it depends on.

javac -d bin -cp bin src\net\chris\dojo\

Thanks @BigMike for the solution.

Solution 2

Try change this in your Program class

import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
import net.chris.dojo.sorting;


import net.chris.dojo.datastructures.*;
import net.chris.dojo.sorting.*;

And when you compile your use following command

javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\ -classpath bin
Author by


Allrighty then!

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • urbaindepuce
    urbaindepuce almost 2 years

    I created multiple packages and want to compile and run them. I fiddled around with javac and java and learned about how packages should be named and how a project should be structured. I hope I got all right. But I fail at compilation and running the stuff. I know I could use an IDE for this, but I want to try it with the command-line tools just for curiousity. Here is how my project is organized:

      + src
        + net
          + chris
            + dojo
              + datastructures
              + sorting
      + bin
        + net
          + chris
            + dojo
                - Program.class (should be here but missing because compilation fails)
              + datastructures
                - Queue.class
                - LinkedList.class
              + sorting
                - MergeSort.class

    Compilation for the classes in the "datastructures" and "sorting" packages is working fine. Here are the commands I used. The folder structure in the "bin" folder is automatically created by the compiler.

    javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\datastructures\*.java
    javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\sorting\*.java

    The problem is when I try to compile "" (thats the test class I run from the command-line) the compiler is throwing errors, because it cannot find the packages "net.chris.dojo.datastructures" and "net.chris.dojo.sorting". Here is the compilation command:

    javac -d bin src\net\chris\dojo\

    This is the output I get:

    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
    import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
    symbol:   class datastructures
    location: package net.chris.dojo
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
    import net.chris.dojo.sorting;
    symbol:   class sorting
    location: package net.chris.dojo
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
    symbol:   variable MergeSort
    location: class Program
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
                Queue queue = new Queue();
    symbol:   class Queue
    location: class Program
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
                Queue queue = new Queue();
    symbol:   class Queue
    location: class Program
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
                LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
    symbol:   class LinkedList
    location: class Program
    src\net\chris\dojo\ error: cannot find symbol
                LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
    symbol:   class LinkedList
    location: class Program
    7 errors

    Thats the code of my class files:

    package net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
    public class Queue {

    package net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
    public class LinkedList {

    package net.chris.dojo.sorting;
    public class MergeSort {

    package net.chris.dojo;
    import net.chris.dojo.datastructures;
    import net.chris.dojo.sorting;
    public class Program {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int[] values = { 9, 4, 6, 2, 0, 3, 8, 1, 7, 5 };
            Queue queue = new Queue();
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

    I would run it with this command:

    java -cp bin net.chris.dojo.Program

    I execute all commands in the root folder of the project. Thanks for your help.