Jedis key expiry


The call to redisTemplate.expire(KEY, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) takes place in your init method which will be called after dependency injection takes place to initialize your class. At this point, the key Session doesn't exist, so invoking the expire command has no effect. See the description for EXPIRE for a complete description. You could test this by capturing the return result from the expire command and log the results.

Instead of calling expire in the init method, you should call it in the save method to set the expiration time on your session when it is saved.


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Pursuing Software Development and Networking Engineering.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Happy
    Happy almost 2 years

    I am trying to understand redis/jedis with spring. I am stuck somewhere where I can't able to expiry my key after certain period of time.

    Can anyone please help ?

    public class SessionCacheRepositoryImpl implements SessionCacheRepository {
        private static final String KEY = "Session";
        private RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate;
        private HashOperations hashOperations;
        public SessionCacheRepositoryImpl(RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate) {
            this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;
        private void init() {
            hashOperations = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
            redisTemplate.expire(KEY, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        public void saveSession(final Session session) {
            hashOperations.put(KEY, session.getSessionID(), session);

    And this is my config class

    private RedisTemplate<String, Object> template;
    JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
        JedisConnectionFactory jedisConFactory = new JedisConnectionFactory();
        return jedisConFactory;
    public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
        template = new RedisTemplate<String, Object>();
        template.setValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Object>(Object.class));
        return template;
  • Tague Griffith
    Tague Griffith almost 7 years
    I forgot to mention in your code sample you always use the key Session - so all your saves will overwrite the same key. Is that what you want?
  • Happy
    Happy almost 7 years
    No, I was just doing poc with that actually I was thinking of saving key as session ID, but now in put I have to define sessionId two times. One for key and one for identifier. hashOperations.put(session.getSessionID(), session.getSessionID(), session); redisTemplate.expire(session.getSessionID(), 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES); is there any way that I can just use sessionID just as key and save my object?