Laravel conditions in Controller where clause


You are missing the variables, no? You haven't told PHP what variable/object to do the where() to in your condition. The magic of Laravel's Eloquent (and a lot of other libraries) is that when you call its methods, it returns itself (the object) back so you can make another method call to it right away.

So when you do this:

$data = DB::table("ordens")

is the same as:

$data = DB::table("ordens");
$data = $data->select(...);
$data = $data->where(...);

But you are trying to do ->where(...) right away after if condition. You need to tell PHP which object/variable you are trying to call the method from. Like this:

$num = Input::get("nro_orden");

$data = DB::table("ordens")
    ->select(array('*', DB::raw('SUM(cant_pend) as cant_pend'), DB::raw('SUM(importe) as importe')))
    ->where('cod_prov', '=', $my_cod);

if (Input::has('nro_orden')) {
    $data = $data->where('nro_orden', '=', $num);

$data = $data->groupBy('nro_orden')
    ->orderBy($search[0], $search[1])
Alejandro Beltran
Author by

Alejandro Beltran

Full Stack Laravel Vue Vuetify MySql

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Alejandro Beltran
    Alejandro Beltran almost 2 years

    I'm trying to build a query based on URL parameters. When the Controller is loaded I need to check which parameters have been provided and build a query from them. It's working with static values, but isn't working with conditional statements. Is my laravel syntax correct?

    class OrdenesController extends BaseController {
    public function showOrdenes($action)
      $my_id = Auth::user()->id;
      $my_cod = Auth::user()->codprov;
      switch ($action) 
        case 'list':
          $rows = DB::table('ordens')->count();
           $search = explode(" ", Input::get("jtSorting"));            
           $numorden= Input::get("nro_orden");
           $filtros =explode(" ", $filtros);
           $data = DB::table("ordens")
            ->select(array('*', DB::raw('SUM(cant_pend) as cant_pend'), DB::raw('SUM(importe) as importe')))
            ->where('cod_prov', '=', $my_cod)
            ->where('nro_orden', '=', $numorden)///work
            ---------- ////no work
            if (Input::has('nro_orden')) {
               ->where('nro_orden', '=', $numorden)
            ---------- /// no work
            ->orderBy($search[0], $search[1])
          return Response::json(
              "Result"      =>    "OK",
              "TotalRecordCount"  =>    $rows,
              "Records"     =>    $data
  • Alejandro Beltran
    Alejandro Beltran almost 10 years
    Thanks Unnawut so much
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut almost 10 years
    You might still want to refine your question though before you get more downvotes. Try add the error messages that you got when you first tried out might help.
  • Alejandro Beltran
    Alejandro Beltran almost 10 years
    I tried your help and show this POST localhost/adpanel/public/getDataordenes/… 500 (Internal Server Error)
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut almost 10 years
    Show us your last error message from app/storage/logs/laravel.log
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut almost 10 years
    Ah I missed one semicolon from my answer, now corrected. I hope you spotted that.
  • Alejandro Beltran
    Alejandro Beltran almost 10 years
    [2014-06-30 18:58:53] production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF)' in ... And without CONDITION IF: [2014-06-30 18:58:53] production.ERROR: exception 'Sym' with message 'syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF)' in .... [2014-06-30 18:59:44] production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'syntax error, unexpected '$data' (T_VARIABLE)' in ...
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut almost 10 years
    Please check the lines before if. Are you missing any semicolons? Or append your question with your new code.
  • Alejandro Beltran
    Alejandro Beltran almost 10 years
    Semicolon before the IF condition generating all the errors, I corrected that and now works correctly. Really appreciate your help, your time and effort to reach the solution. A big hug