Laravel slugs in routes


Solution 1

Order is important in route file. Put the most generic in last.


Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index'); Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index'); Route::get('/{organization-slug}/{organization-subpage-slug}', 'OrganizationController@subpage'); Route::get('/{organization-slug}', 'OrganizationController@index');

Solution 2

Laravel considers the last route definition for the same resource as the valid route. So just put the Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index'); after the definition of the route of slugs:

Route::get('/{organization-slug}', 'OrganizationController@index');
Route::get('/{organization-slug}/{organization-subpage-slug}', 'OrganizationController@subpage');
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');
Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index');

Solution 3

You can use Regular Expression Constraints for your routes.

Add ->where('organization-slug', '^(?!.*dashboard).*$') at the end of your parameterized routes, and they will work for any slugs except 'dashboard', and dashboard route also will work safely for

Route::get('/{organization-slug}', 'OrganizationController@index')->where('organization-slug', '^(?!.*dashboard).*$');
Route::get('/{organization-slug}/{organization-subpage-slug}', 'OrganizationController@subpage')->where('organization-slug', '^(?!.*dashboard).*$');
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');
Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index');

And if you have other routes like dashboard you can add them as well.

Route::get('/{organization-slug}', 'OrganizationController@index')->where('organization-slug', '^(?!.*dashboard|.*dashboard1|.*dashboard2|.*dashboard3).*$');
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Does it work? Is it maintainable? Is it scalable? Is it optimized?

Updated on June 23, 2022


  • whitwhoa
    whitwhoa almost 2 years

    I'm hoping this turns out to be a simple situation that I have just overlooked in the documentation. I am refactoring our web application to utilize slugs in urls. Our company allows many organizations to register, each having their own page and sub pages. I am trying to accomplish something like the below:

    Route::get('/{organization-slug}', 'OrganizationController@index');
    Route::get('/{organization-slug}/{organization-subpage-slug}', 'OrganizationController@subpage');
    Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index');
    Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');

    However, how can I do this without conflicting with other routes? For example if I have '/{organization-slug}' this would also match for any root level route. So if a user goes to /dashboard, they would be routed to OrganizationController@index instead of DashboardController@index

    Does laravel have built in functionality to handle this situation?


    In response to some of the answers stating that the order of the routes file is what needs to be revised. I have created a new laravel project to test this, and added the following routes to /routes/web.php

    Route::get('/{some_id}', function($some_id){
        echo $some_id;
    Route::get('/{some_id}/{another_id}', function($some_id, $another_id){
        echo $some_id . ' - ' . $another_id;
    Route::get('/hardcoded/subhard', function(){
        echo 'This is the value returned from hardcoded url with sub directory';
    Route::get('/hardcoded', function(){
        echo 'This is the value returned from hardcoded url';

    The routes /hardcoded/subhard and /hardcoded are never reached. When this order is used. However, if we move the static routes above the dynamic like below:

    Route::get('/hardcoded/subhard', function(){
        echo 'This is the value returned from hardcoded url with sub directory';
    Route::get('/hardcoded', function(){
        echo 'This is the value returned from hardcoded url';
    Route::get('/{some_id}', function($some_id){
        echo $some_id;
    Route::get('/{some_id}/{another_id}', function($some_id, $another_id){
        echo $some_id . ' - ' . $another_id;

    Then the appropriate routes appear to be working as expected. Is this correct?