Linq Extension method for Join


If I understand your question, you're trying to do a conditional on a joined model?

var query = db.Users.Where(x => x.Addresses.Where(y => y.Value >= yourValue).Any());

That will return all users who have a property value greater than yourValue. If you need to return the addresses with the query, you can just add Include to your query. For example:

query.Include(x => x.Addresses);

You don't need to manually do that Join that you have in your example.

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Jeff
    Jeff almost 2 years

    I am in the process of learning LINQ, ASP.NET, EF, and MVC via online video tutorials. I would love some help understanding Joins in LINQ extension method syntax.

    For simplification, I have two tables (these map to a SQL DB):

    User Table:
        public int userID{get;set;}
        public string firstName{get;set;}
        public int ownerID{get;set;}
        public int value{get;set;}
        public string Nickname{get;set;}
        public string street{get;set;}
        public string zip{get;set;}

    Let's say I want to find all the property that a particular user owns. I believe I can do something like this:

    var test = db.User
        .Join(db.Address, user => user.userID, add => add.ownerID, (user, add) => new { user, add });

    This should be equivalent to

    SELECT * FROM User a JOIN Address b on a.userID = b.ownerID 

    Please confirm that this is correct.

    Now, what if I wanted to find all property that a particular user owns that has a value greater than x. Let's take it a step further and say x is a result from another LINQ query. How do I force execution of x inside of a second query? Do I even have to consider this, or will LINQ know what to do in this case?


    EDIT: When I try to use the result of a query as a parameter in another, I am required to use a greedy operator to force execution. Many people like to use .Count() or .ToList(). I only expect x (from example above) to return 1 string by using .Take(1). If I append ToList() to the end of my first query, I am required to use x[0] in my second query. This seems like a messy way to do things. Is there a better way to force execution of a query when you know you will only have 1 result?