Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found. But same code works in another computer


Solution 1

it’s probably because your global @angular/ cli, project @angular/cli version or @angular/compiler-cli doesn’t match.

Debugging this

first of all run

ng -v 

to check the global version of your angular, then compare the version with your angular project versions. if it matches with them or no.

If something doesn’t match, update or downgrade it. For example to downgrade project @angular/cli run

npm uninstall -D @angular/cli

npm install -D @angular/[email protected]

To upgrade global run @angular/cli run

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Solution 2

Also, make sure you're in the folder where the angular.json file is located. That's what my issue turned out to be. Doh! I was in the parent folder in the cmd window and it didn't like that. Changing directory to the project folder fixed the issue for me. Sort of an "is it plugged in" solution, but thought I'd share it anyway.


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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • SmartestVEGA
    SmartestVEGA over 1 year

    I am getting following error in one computer, but it works in another computer for the same source code

    Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found. Error: Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found

    Not working computer

    enter image description here

    Working computer

    enter image description here

    I tried following commands mentioned in this stackoverflow link, but no luck

    ng update @angular/cli --migrate-only --from=1.7.4 This removed .angular-cli.json and created angular.json.

    If this leads to your project using 1.7.4, install v6 locally:

    npm install --save-dev @angular/[email protected]

    Not working computer ng version

    PS D:\Work\Source> ng -v Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local version (6.0.0-rc.4). The local Angular CLI version is used.

    To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".

     _                      _                 ____ _     ___
    / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|

    / △ \ | '_ \ / _| | | | |/ _ | '| | | | | | | / \| | | | (| | || | | (| | | | || | | | // __| ||__, |__,||__,|| ____|_____|| |/

    Angular CLI: 6.0.0-rc.4
    Node: 8.11.3
    OS: win32 x64
    Angular: 5.2.10
    ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
    ... http, language-service, platform-browser
    ... platform-browser-dynamic, router
    Package                      Version
    @angular-devkit/architect    0.5.6
    @angular-devkit/core         0.5.6 (cli-only)
    @angular-devkit/schematics   0.5.6 (cli-only)
    @angular/cli                 6.0.0-rc.4
    @ngtools/json-schema         1.2.0
    @schematics/angular          0.5.6 (cli-only)
    @schematics/update           0.5.6
    rxjs                         5.5.10
    typescript                   2.5.3

    Working computer ng -version

    PS V:\Jaison\Incomming\HISUI_Grid\HISUI\HISUI_04July2018\HISUI\src> ng -v
    Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local
    version (1.7.4). The local Angular CLI version is used.
    To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".
        _                      _                 ____ _     ___
       / \   _ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __     / ___| |   |_ _|
      / △ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__|   | |   | |    | |
     / ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |      | |___| |___ | |
    /_/   \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|       \____|_____|___|
    Angular CLI: 1.7.4
    Node: 8.9.3
    OS: win32 x64
    Angular: 5.2.10
    ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
    ... http, language-service, platform-browser
    ... platform-browser-dynamic, router
    @angular/cli: 1.7.4
    @angular-devkit/build-optimizer: 0.3.2
    @angular-devkit/core: 0.3.2
    @angular-devkit/schematics: 0.3.2
    @ngtools/json-schema: 1.2.0
    @ngtools/webpack: 1.10.2
    @schematics/angular: 0.3.2
    @schematics/package-update: 0.3.2
    typescript: 2.5.3
    webpack: 3.11.0
    • Hrishikesh Kale
      Hrishikesh Kale over 5 years
      I hope you are running ng serve in the directory where your Angular project is
    • Hrishikesh Kale
      Hrishikesh Kale over 5 years
      yes, I did have an answer for you please check if that works!
  • SmartestVEGA
    SmartestVEGA over 5 years
    i have updated the question , please check ... what command i need to run
  • SmartestVEGA
    SmartestVEGA over 5 years
    so as per the comment above , the angular CLI working version is 1.7.4 and non working version is 6.0.0-rc.4.. So i need to downgrate to 1.7.4???
  • Hrishikesh Kale
    Hrishikesh Kale over 5 years
    no, you need to update angular CLI of your local system, by using npm install -g @angular/cli@latest