Marshal/Un marshal List objects in Jersey JAX-RS using JAXB



You don't need your own MessageBodyWriter/Reader. Jersey/JAX-RS alread has standard support for this. I would stick with the default, unless you have a really, really good reason for needed to whip up your own.


We don't need the wrapper, you can simple return a GenericEntity. This will automatically wrap the elements in a "plural wrapper" element, i.e. <product> -> <products>.

List<Product> list = new ArrayList<>();
GenericEntity<List<String>> entity = new GenericEntity<List<Product>>(list) {};
Response response = Response.ok(entity).build();

For accepting a body in resource method, simply accepting List<Product> as an argument is enough. It will accept <products><product/><product/></products>


To retrieve the List<Product> on the client side, we should make use of GenericType. Se this post.

Jersey 1

WebResource resource = client.resource("...");
List<Product> products = resource.get(new GenericType<List<Product>>(){});

Jersey 2/JAX-RS 2

Response response = ...
List<Product> products = response.readEntity(new GenericType<List<Product>>(){});
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • HJK
    HJK almost 2 years

    Good Morning. Today morning when I am going through Jersey Entity providers MessageBodyReaders and MessageBodyWriters I came across the following problem.

    I want to write a resource method and client that returns a list of custom objects and media type is application/xml. So I would like to use JAXB (I am new to JAXB). I was able to achieve this by writing my own extended MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter. But I am afraid of the way I am following. Just look at the way I implemented:

    Resource method:

    public RetObjects getProductsXml(){
        List<Product> pList = new ArrayList<Product>();
        pList.add(new Product("1","Dell latitude E6000",2900,500));
        pList.add(new Product("2","Xperia Z2",549,400));
        RetObjects obj = new RetObjects();
        return obj;

    My custom objects:

    @Table (name="PRODUCT")
    public class Product {
        @Column(name = "CODE")
        private String code;
        // rest of the fields, constructors, getters and setters

    Object that wraps my list of custom object:

     @XmlRootElement(name = "products")
     @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD)
     public class RetObjects {
         @XmlElement(name = "product")
         private List<Product> object = null;
         public List<Product> getObject() {
             return object;
         public void setObject(List<Product> object) {
             this.object = object;

    MessageBodyReader/Writer are straight forward just using Jaxb unmarshaller and marshaller over the RetObjects object.

    With this implementation it is working fine as expected and i am able to fetch the RetObjects wrapping the list of Products perfectly fine at client.

    Here my question is, instead of wrapping my List of Products into a intermediate object, RetObjects in my case, couldn't I marshal and unmarshal List of Products object directly. If I want to write another service that returns List of Orders, I need to wrap this with one more intermediate object. What is the right approach to achieve this? How could I do this without intermediate objects?

  • HJK
    HJK over 9 years
    WRT second point, you are true @peeskillet. When i am doing this, as you said I am getting <products><product></product></products>. In this case how could I consume at client side in Java POJO objects?
  • HJK
    HJK over 9 years
    I am not able to do response.readEntity(new RetObject2<List<Product>>(){}); I am getting compilation error saying readEntity(Class<T>) is not applicable for readEntity(RetObject2<List<Product>>(){}). Here RetObject2 is a new generic class like RetObject2<T> with one field of type T. Could you elaborate a bit.
  • Paul Samsotha
    Paul Samsotha over 9 years
    Why Are you using RepObject2? It should be GenericType
  • Paul Samsotha
    Paul Samsotha over 9 years
    The whole point of your question is to get rid of the wrapper object isn't it?
  • Paul Samsotha
    Paul Samsotha over 9 years
    There is an overloaded readEntity which takes a GenericType argument.
  • Paul Samsotha
    Paul Samsotha over 9 years
    See It's an actual class. You are not supposed to provide your own "Generic type" :-) Sorry if I did not make that clear initially.
  • HJK
    HJK over 9 years
    Thanks Peeskillet. Its working fine. I thought genericType is the abstract name you gave.
  • HJK
    HJK over 9 years