Meaning of re.compile(r"[\w']+") in Python


Solution 1

This is a regular expression that has been compiled for faster reuse (explained in this question: Is it worth using re.compile). The command re.compile is explained in the Python docs.

Regarding the specific regex expression, this searches for groups that have alphanumerics (that's the \w part) or apostrophes (which is also in those square brackets) that are 1 or longer. Note that whitespace is not a match, so this, generally speaking, breaks a line into words.

See the query in a Python specific regex tester to try it out or on regex101 where they offer an explanation of any regex expression.

In the phrase How's it going $# this would how three matches: How's, it, going but wouldn't match the group of symbols.

There are lots of tutorials and even some games out there but you can start with regexone to understand it better by trying some out.

Solution 2

With help of re.compile('\W') we can remove special characters from the string.

Example :

str = 'how many $ amount spend for Car??'
pattern = re.compile('\W')
x = re.sub(pattern, ' ', str)


how many amount spend for Car

Note: Special charter "$" and "?" are removed from the string.


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Larry Paul
Author by

Larry Paul

Updated on July 24, 2021


  • Larry Paul
    Larry Paul over 2 years

    I am new to python and trying to work on big data code but not able to understand what the expression re.compile(r"[\w']+") means.Anyone has any idea regarding this?

    This is the code that i m using.

    from mrjob.job import MRJob
    import re
    WORD_REGEXP = re.compile(r"[\w']+")
    class MRWordFrequencyCount(MRJob):
        def mapper(self, _, line):
            words = WORD_REGEXP.findall(line)
            for word in words:
                yield word.lower(), 1
        def reducer(self, key, values):
            yield key, sum(values)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    • lurker
      lurker almost 6 years
      Lookup "Python regular expressions" and just read the Python documentation regarding regular expressions. You are compiling a regular expression, then using it to search for text that matches that regular expression.
    • Patrick Artner
      Patrick Artner almost 6 years
    • Larry Paul
      Larry Paul almost 6 years
      @PatrickArtner i m not getting still how exactly that r"[\w']+" part breaks the line into words
    • Patrick Artner
      Patrick Artner almost 6 years
      See Zev's explanation. and use for testing of regex - you even get an explanation for any pattern you provide. I find it better then pythex - and it also got a python regex switch
    • Zev
      Zev almost 6 years
      @PatrickArtner awesome resource! I've added that.
    • Zev
      Zev almost 6 years
      Whitespace doesn't match but alphanumerics and apostrophes do. So it breaks it up based on whitespace between the words. I added that to my answer.