Merging columns from different data frames


Solution 1

If the "from" column is guaranteed to be unique in both anna1 and anna2, AND every row in anna2 has a matching row in anna1 (though not vice versa), a simple solution is

row.index = function(d) which(anna1$from == d)[1]
indices = sapply(anna2$from, row.index)
anna1$result[indices] = anna2$result

Solution 2

A simpler merge:

anna3 <-merge(anna2,anna1[,1:3], all.y=TRUE)
anna3[] <- 0


> anna3
  name  from    to result
1   11 66607 66841      5
2   11 66846 67048      6
3   11 67053 67404      0
4   11 67409 68216      7
5   11 68221 68786      0
6   11 68791 69020      0
7   11 69025 69289     12
8   11 69294 70167      0
9   11 70172 70560     45

Solution 3

Another approach

anna <- rbind(anna1, anna2)
ddply(anna, .(name, from, to), summarize, result = sum(result))

EDIT. If the data frames are large, and speed is an issue, think of using data.table

data.table(anna)[,list(result = sum(result)),'name, from, to']
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Anna
    Anna almost 2 years

    I have a problem....

    I have two data frames

         name   from       to        result
         11     66607     66841       0
         11     66846     67048       0
         11     67053     67404       0
         11     67409     68216       0
         11     68221     68786       0
         11     68791     69020       0
         11     69025     69289       0
         11     69294     70167       0
         11     70172     70560       0

    and the second data frame is

         name   from      to       result
         11     66607     66841       5
         11     66846     67048       6 
         11     67409     68216       7
         11     69025     69289       12
         11     70172     70560       45

    What I want is to create a new data frame similar with the anna1 where all the 0 values will be replaced by the correct results in the correct row from the anna2

    you are going to notice that in the anna2 data frame, in the from and to columns have only some same values with the respective in the anna1 data frame ....the intermediate are missing

    So i need somehow to take the numbers from the result column in the anna2 and put them in the correct row in the anna1

    thank you in advance

    Best regards Anna

  • Anna
    Anna over 12 years
    In the anna2 data frame the values in the columns from and to are the same with the valuse in anna2. The problem is that in the anna2 the values are a subset of anna1 so.....I just need to match and replace the 0 with the values from the results of anna2 in the results in anna1 in the correct row
  • David Robinson
    David Robinson over 12 years
    Do you mean "same with the values in anna1"? And I think you might misunderstand me. But "unique", I mean that you never have a case where the same value appears twice within anna1.
  • David Robinson
    David Robinson over 12 years
    Did you try my solution? From what you're saying, I think it should work. If it doesn't work, be specific as to how it doesn't.
  • user3253470
    user3253470 about 8 years
    @DavidRobinson Can you please help me with this question: […
  • user3253470
    user3253470 about 8 years
    Can you help me with this question: […