Mock out angular.element in Jasmine tests


Solution 1

I was able to fix this by manually clearing the spy in an after callback.

var spy;

beforeEach(function() {
    spy = spyOn(angular, 'element').andCallFake(ngElementFake);

afterEach(function() {

Solution 2

From the AngularJS FAQ:

Due to a change to use on()/off() rather than bind()/unbind(), Angular 1.2 only operates with jQuery 1.7.1 or above.

So, try upgrading to jquery 1.7.1 or above or don't use jquery at all and angular will use its own jQLite.


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Updated on September 14, 2022


  • Stevo
    Stevo over 1 year

    I have a function in a controller that has a call

    var someVar = angular.element(;

    I am trying to mock it by doing

    var ngElementFake = function(el) {
                    return {
                        scope: function() {
                            return {
                                toggleChildElement: true,
                                field: scope.field
    spyOn(angular, 'element').andCallFake(ngElementFake);

    However when I call the function in the test I get the response:

    TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'injector.get('$rootElement').off()')
    at ../angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1819

    What am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: Injection

        beforeEach(function() {
            inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
                scope = $rootScope;
                scope.record = recordData;
                scope.model = 'Hierarchy';
                ctrl = $controller("fngHierarchyChildCtrl", {
                    $scope: scope
  • ganta
    ganta over 8 years
    Good one. Works for me
  • Daniel
    Daniel about 8 years
    The important line is spy.andCallThrough();
  • Sonali
    Sonali over 5 years
    how to mock angular object?