mongoose query same field with different values


Solution 1

You should use the MongoDB $in operator -

mongoose.find({title: {$in: ['some title', 'some other title']}})

You provide an array to $in operator and it will return all the documents which have an exact title in the array specified.

Solution 2

Found this in 2021 with the same question. It seems the $in operator is no longer necessary. As long as you pass find() an array of items, it will search for all of them.


  room: [ 'first_id', 'second_id' ]

This will return the documents where room is the first OR second id.

Can be written in a query string like:


There's no parsing needed—Node parses this into an array automatically.

Solution 3

If you're building this off a URL query eg: but with multiple values in the query here's an approach:

Use a separator like & in your query like so

Then setup your request function to operate with async:

eg. async function listPosts() {}

Then use the & seperator to detect if it's a query for multiple items or not and set your query accordingly. So the whole query for a list post would look something like this:

async function listPosts(req, res, next) {
  const urlParts = url.parse(req.url, true);
  const { query } = urlParts;
  // Check if URL query has & char and split into multiple query strings
  const multiQuery = async () => {
    // Return array of any query param values containing '&'
    const mQueryArr = Object.values(query).filter(i => i.indexOf('&') > -1);
    if (mQueryArr.length) {
      Object.keys(query).forEach((key) => {
        if (query[key].indexOf('&') > -1) {
          // Split strings containing '&' and set query to search multiple using
          // mongooses '$in' operator
          const queries = query[key].split('&');
          query[key] = { $in: queries };
  await multiQuery();
    .exec((err, posts) => {
      if (err) {
        return next(err);
      return res.json({ posts });

Hope this helps someone as it took me a while to figure out the approach for a URL query with multiple queries for the same object key.

Author by


Updated on May 16, 2021


  • JohnSnow
    JohnSnow almost 3 years

    Is there a way to user mongoose.find({title:'some title'}) to query the same field with multiple values? For example something like this mongoose.find({title:'some title', title:'some other title'}) sends back only documents matching title:'some other title is there a way to accomplish this ?