Multiples INNER JOIN is too slow SQL SERVER


Solution 1

Most common reasons:

Reason 1: When two tables having n and m rows participating in INNER JOIN have many to many relationship, then the INNER JOIN can near a CROSS JOIN and can produce result set with more than MAX(n,m) rows, theoretically n x m rows are possible.

Now imagine many such tables in INNER JOIN.

This will result in the result set becoming bigger and bigger and will start eating into the allocated memory area.

This could be a reason why temp tables might help you.

Reason 2: You do not have INDEX built on the columns you are joining tables on.

Reason 3: Do you have functions in WHERE clause?

Solution 2

In general, you want the query optimizer to join the tables in such a way that will limit the result set as much as possible. If you have table A with 1 million rows, table B with 1 million rows, and table C with 10 rows, you'd want to inner join from table C to A or B first, this would give you at most 10 records (assuming a 1:1 match) to then join to the last table. If you joined A to B first you'd be joining on all 1 million rows from each, which would take quite a bit longer.

Usually the query optimizer is "good enough" at picking the join order, but in your case it was not. The best method I've seen for forcing the join order was demonstrated by Adam Mechanic in a blog post here. It involves using a TOP clause on the tables you want to begin the join from. The query optimizer will then get the result set from those tables first, and you can really limit the total number of rows and increase query performance. I use this method whenever possible.

Author by


Updated on June 20, 2022


  • Alexandre_Almeida
    Alexandre_Almeida almost 2 years

    I'm having a performance problem.

    I created a table that receives data from a file, I do a BULK INSERT. Then I do a SELECT with multiple INNER JOINs (11 inner joins) to insert into another table with the right data.

    When I run this SELECT, it takes too long (more than a hour) and then I stop it. My solution was to break this query into 3, creating @temp tables. To my surprise, that takes 3 minutes. That's what I'm trying to understand, WHY breaking my query into 3 was FASTER than one select statement. Here is my query:

    SELECT t1.ReturnINT, t1.ReturnBIT, t2.ReturnINT, t3.ReturnINT, t5.ReturnINT, t1.ReturnDateTime
    FROM t1
        ON t2.my_column_varchar = t1.my_column_varchar
        ON t3.my_column_number = t1.my_column_number AND t2.my_column_ID = t3.my_column_ID
        ON t4.my_column_varchar = t1.my_column_varchar
        ON t5.my_column_int = t1.my_column_int AND t5.my_column_int = t4.my_column_int AND t2.my_column_int = t5.my_column_int
        ON t6.my_column_int = t5.my_column_int AND t6.my_column_int = t2.my_column_int
        ON t7.my_column_int = t6.my_column_int
        ON t8.my_column_int = t3.my_column_int AND t8.my_column_datetime = t1.my_column_datetime
        ON t9.my_column_int = t3.my_column_int AND t8.my_column_datetime BETWEEN t9.my_column_datetime1 AND t9.datetime1 + t9.my_column_datetime2
    INNER JOIN t10
        ON t10.my_column_int = t9.my_column_int AND t10.my_column_int = t6.my_column_int
    INNER JOIN t11
        ON t11.my_column_int = t9.my_column_int AND t8.my_column_datetime = t11.my_column_datetime


    There is NO where clause, my query is exactly as I put here.

    Here is my broken querys, i forget to put them here. It runs in 3 minutes.

    DECLARE @temp TABLE (
    INSERT INTO @temp
        SELECT <My_Linked_Columns>
        FROM t1
        INNER JOIN t2
            ON t2.my_column_varchar = t1.my_column_varchar
        INNER JOIN t3
            ON t3.my_column_number = t1.my_column_number AND t2.my_column_ID = t3.my_column_ID
        INNER JOIN t4
            ON t4.my_column_varchar = t1.my_column_varchar
        INNER JOIN t5
            ON t5.my_column_int = t1.my_column_int AND t5.my_column_int = t4.my_column_int AND t2.my_column_int = t5.my_column_int
    DECLARE @temp2 TABLE(
    INSERT INTO @temp2
        SELECT <More_Linked_Columns>
        FROM @temp as temp
        INNER JOIN t6
            ON t6.my_column_int = temp.my_column_int AND t6.my_column_int = temp.my_column_int
        INNER JOIN t7
            ON t7.my_column_int = t6.my_column_int
        INNER JOIN t8
            ON t8.my_column_int = temp.my_column_int AND t8.my_column_datetime = temp.my_column_datetime
    DECLARE @temp3 TABLE(
    INSERT INTO @temp3
        SELECT <More_Linked_Columns>
        FROM @temp2 AS temp2
        INNER JOIN t9
            ON t9.my_column_int = temp2.my_column_int AND temp2.my_column_datetime BETWEEN t9.my_column_datetime1 AND t9.datetime1 + t9.my_column_datetime2
        INNER JOIN t10
            ON t10.my_column_int = t9.my_column_int AND t10.my_column_int = temp2.my_column_int
        INNER JOIN t11
            ON t11.my_column_int = t9.my_column_int AND temp2.my_column_datetime = t11.my_column_datetime
    SELECT <All_Final_Columns>
    FROM @temp3

    ----EDITED 3----

    Studying more things I discovered a problem in execution plan. I have a Nested Loop that estimates 1 row but it actually returns 1.204.014 rows. I guess the problem is exactly here, but I didn't find out how to solve this problem without breaking my query in 3 parts (Now I know why breaking it is faster hehehe)