MySQL: Convert String to Float/Decimal in german language


You could try

    REPLACE(REPLACE(value, '.', ''), ',', '.'), 
FROM `table`
WHERE `group`=1

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Christoph Mühlmann
Author by

Christoph Mühlmann

I'm a research assistant at the Research Institute for Horticulture Weihenstephan, Germany, focusing on horticultural computer science. Different applications for horticultural businesses are created by a team of 3-4 developers. Most of us have a horticultural background combined with good computer-science skills. My computer-science background Coding with: C#/VB.Net (Windows, Windows CE), PHP (Webapps), Java (Android, platform-independent, Webapps). Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite. OS'es: Debian GNU/Linux (for ~15 years), Windows - if it's not preventable ;-) My horticultural background I'm a gardener. I learned vegetable production at a 55ha organic farm over two years (work + school). After that training, I continued to work there for some time. Later, I studied horticultural sciences, which resulted in an diploma given by an university of applied sciences.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Christoph Mühlmann
    Christoph Mühlmann almost 2 years

    In a MySQL-table I have a VARCHAR-column with different values, which may represent String-, Integer-, Float-, Whatever-Values. These Values are written as a language-specific String into the Database, this means a float-value of 123.45 may be written as a String like "123,45" in german language (using VB.Net...)

    As I need average values of float-values wich are in the same group: How can I cast such a string to a FLOAT within MySQL? Simply AVG(CONVERT(value, DECIMAL)) won't work (returns 99.00000), conversion to FLOAT is not possible.

    Charset is utf8, Collation is utf8_general_ci.

    Sample table:

    id | value  | group
    1  | 122,45 | 1
    2  |  66,34 | 1
    3  | blabla | 2
    4  | 109,21 | 1
    5  | bababa | 2

    Goal: somethig like SELECT AVG(CONVERT(value, DECIMAL)) FROM table WHERE (group=1) should result in 99.333333, not 99.

    Any Ideas?


    PS.: I did not make that database-layout...

  • Christoph Mühlmann
    Christoph Mühlmann over 12 years
    this may fail in some situations: in german language a value of T1234.56` may be written "1.234,56". The above would result in the string "1.234.56" which would be converted to 1.
  • Christoph Mühlmann
    Christoph Mühlmann over 12 years
    Your edited code may work and may not: what, if the point is a decimal-point? I decided to change the database layout a little, now I have a column for numeric data (float, int and boolean will be saved in a DECIMAL(30,10)-column) and another column for other data (text, serialized data, binary data, whatever). Works better and allowes to calculate with the values in the numeric column in MySQL directly (AVG/MIN/MAX f.e.)
  • Marco
    Marco over 12 years
    @ChristophMühlmann: I agree with you, but your example used comma as decimal separator!!
  • Christoph Mühlmann
    Christoph Mühlmann over 12 years
    You are right with this. But I thought it would be better to change the database-layout in a way I don't need to differ between numeric and non-numeric values in one column anymore. The main problem was the database-layout, which was not quite well.
  • Marco
    Marco over 12 years
    @ChristophMühlmann: yes, you're right with this. You did the right thing :)