MySQL Error 1136:Column count does not match value count at row 1


In the insert statement you need to specify the column names explicitly for the values that are being passed , you can ignore the column names if you are passing all the column values. So your last two statements should be

INSERT INTO student (bannerid,lastname,firstname) VALUES ('b00004444', 'baker', 'al');
INSERT INTO student (bannerid,lastname,firstname) VALUES ('b00005555', 'booker', 'sue');
Author by


Updated on July 23, 2022


  • kmaz13
    kmaz13 almost 2 years
    CREATE  TABLE student(
      bannerid VARCHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL ,
      lastname VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ,
      firstname VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ,
      major VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'undeclared' ,
      gpa DECIMAL(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 ,
      age INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 18 );
      INSERT INTO student VALUES ('b00001111', 'smith', 'fred', 'computer science', 3.12, 20);
      INSERT INTO student VALUES ('b00002222', 'jones', 'herb', 'computer science', 2.00, 19);
      INSERT INTO student VALUES ('b00003333', 'chan', 'jackie', 'computer information systems', 3.50, 50);
      INSERT INTO student VALUES ('b00004444', 'baker', 'al');
      INSERT INTO student VALUES ('b00005555', 'booker', 'sue');

    This results in the following error and I do not understand why. I want the last two INSERTs to use the default values.

    MySQL Error 1136:Column count does not match value count at row 1

  • kmaz13
    kmaz13 about 12 years
    I got it. Thanks for your help!
  • kmaz13
    kmaz13 about 12 years
    I'll put the check on your answer in 5 minutes... Thanks again :)
  • Arya
    Arya over 4 years
    If using mysqldump to import data from one table to another AND the destination table has a different number of columns, then include the --complete-insert option to add the column list to the INSERT statement(s). For example: mysqldump --complete-insert -t -h MyHost -u MyUsername -pMyPassword MyDatabase > MyBackupFile.sql