Open a URL without using a browser from a batch file


Solution 1

If all you want is to request the URL and if it needs to be done from batch file, without anything outside of the OS, this can help you:

@if (@This==@IsBatch) @then
@echo off
rem **** batch zone *********************************************************

    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    rem The batch file will delegate all the work to the script engine
    if not "%~1"=="" (
        wscript //E:JScript "%~dpnx0" %1

    rem End of batch file area. Ensure the batch file ends execution
    rem before reaching the JavaScript zone
    exit /b


// **** JavaScript zone *****************************************************
// Instantiate the needed component to make URL queries
var http = WScript.CreateObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0');

// Retrieve the URL parameter
var url = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)

// Make the request"GET", url, false);

// All done. Exit

It is just a hybrid batch/JavaScript file and is saved as callurl.cmd and called as callurl "". It will do what you ask for. No error check, no post, just a skeleton.

If it is possible to use something outside of the OS, wget or curl are available as Windows executables and are the best options available.

If you are limited by some kind of security policy, you can get the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Resource Kit Tools. It includes tinyget and wfetch tools that can do what you need.

Solution 2

You can use Wget or cURL, see How to download files from command line in Windows like wget or curl.

You will then do e.g.:


Solution 3

You can use the HH command to open any website.

hh <http://url>

For example,


Though it will not open the website in the browser, but this will open the website in an HTML help window.

Solution 4

Not sure whether you have already gotten your owner solution. I have been using the following powshell command to achieve it:

powershell.exe -noprofile -command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://your_url"

Solution 5

Try winhttpjs.bat. It uses a winhttp request object that should be faster than
Msxml2.XMLHTTP as there isn't any DOM parsing of the response. It is capable to do requests with body and all HTTP methods.

call winhttpjs.bat -saveTo c:\something.html
Author by


Updated on October 02, 2020


  • comb
    comb over 3 years

    I want to open a particular URL without directly opening the browser using only a batch file. I know I can use something like:


    But I want to open a URL without using a browser. Is this possible?

    The reason is that I have to open like 30 URLs, and I don't want the user to have like 30 tabs opened on his/her pc.

  • Martin S. Stoller
    Martin S. Stoller about 10 years
    Works like a charm for my use, much appreciated MC ND!
  • Greg
    Greg over 9 years
    For one wondering, how does this work, %~dpnx0 specifies the full path to the current file being run, so we're calling into wscript to run this as a JavaScript file via ( //E:engine ), where the chosen engine is JavaScript, and %1 is the first parameter of the batch file, which this is passing forward. Interesting solution.
  • square_eyes
    square_eyes about 9 years
    Where in this script do you actually define the URL you want to request?
  • MC ND
    MC ND about 9 years
    @square_eyes, as indicated, it is passed as argument to the batch file. You can replace all the references to %1 (the first argument to the batch file) with the url you want (don't forget quotes if it contains special characters)
  • Squazz
    Squazz over 8 years
    OP asks for a solution that does not open i a browser, and have already said that he knows the START command, and that he does not like the result
  • Edson Rodrigues
    Edson Rodrigues over 8 years
    Where in the script I can set the URL that I want to request ?
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 8 years
    @EdsonRodrigues, If you don't want to use the indicated behaviour (the url is given as the argument when calling the batch file) replace in the code %1 (the first argument to the batch file) with the url you want to use (better quote it to avoid problems with special characters).
  • Edson Rodrigues
    Edson Rodrigues over 8 years
    @MCND Thanks for the answer. So, I have changed the %1 to "" ( just to test ), It gives me an Access denied when I execute the cmd file.
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 8 years
    @EdsonRodrigues, try changing the instantiated component. Replace Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0 with Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0
  • Peter Szekeli
    Peter Szekeli over 8 years
    This solution still launches a browser (but keeps the focus on the current app).
  • RBT
    RBT over 7 years
    Somehow the link in your post gets automatically redirected to -…
  • Jakub Kotowski
    Jakub Kotowski over 7 years
    @RBT someone edited that post:
  • Sirk
    Sirk over 7 years
    @MCND Great solution thanks. I have one question though, I am using this to kill a selenium server, however sometimes selenium might die on its own and i want to schedule this task, now if the server is dead the URL used to kill it can't be accessed so i get an error box appear "The system cannot locate the resource specified" that makes perfect sense since the server is inactive, but how can i dismiss that message box or suppress it? I've had a quick look and couldn't see anything but i might be searching for the wrong thing. Thanks again.
  • MC ND
    MC ND over 7 years
    @Sirk, check this. You will not need the quote handling, but the code includes the error handling
  • Gem
    Gem over 6 years
    how to use in linux
  • m1m1k
    m1m1k about 6 years
    wget and curl are not included in stock/vanilla windows, so not always a great option if you're trying to share a quick/easy script with others... step 1: download these other tools and configure them (seems like a big pain for an "easy" script solution).
  • m1m1k
    m1m1k about 6 years
    works great to just hit a website to log an IP or kick off a script. Note that (as OP said, ) User does not see the website, and has to close the awkward help popup saying "Page not found".
  • Abdullah Nurum
    Abdullah Nurum over 5 years
    @Shuvankar Sarkar, after call this, how do I close the popup HTML help window in script?
  • Akshay Shah
    Akshay Shah about 5 years
    Is there a way to invoke this in background without the GUI
  • Mark Deven
    Mark Deven over 4 years
    Winhttpjs.bat is one of my favorites! @Gem winhttpjs.bat is a tool designed for batch, which is a Windows-Only coding language. On linux there is bash on which there are built-in tools such as curl or wget to get the job done.
  • Chique
    Chique about 4 years
    Wow this worked like a charm. So simple, and just does the job.
  • Jeffz
    Jeffz over 3 years
    Try that with https with self-signed cert using Task Scheduler and simplicity dies.