Pass IP-address to cloud-init metadata


It is possible by using the following format:

network-interfaces: |
  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback

  iface eth0 inet static
    address (static ip)
    gateway (gateway ip, usually ip address of router)

You basically write out the configuration you want your interfaces to have as an interfaces file would look as long as you have 'network-interfaces: |'

Hope that answers your question!

Jonas Libbrecht
Author by

Jonas Libbrecht

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Jonas Libbrecht
    Jonas Libbrecht almost 2 years

    I am searching for a way to pass a ip-address to cloud-init metadata. So when my qcow boots, it does not have to wait for 120 - 180 seconds to boot.

    Currently I've created a workaround by adding IP-address information to the userdata part of cloud-init. The con is, it does take some time because cloud-init userdata is only executed after booting the VM.

    echo -e "
    # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
    # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
    source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
    # The loopback network interface
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    # The primary network interface
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    \taddress $address
    \tnetmask $netmask
    \tgateway $gateway
    \tdns-nameservers $dnsnameservers
    " > /etc/network/interfaces
    ifdown eth0; ifup eth0

    Currently to set the hostname in cloud-init metadata, I've already obtained this part:

    cat > $config_dir/meta-data <<-EOF
    instance-id: $uuid
    hostname: $hostname
    local-hostname: $hostname

    But I need something more solid, more concrete because the cloud-init documentation is very vague

    EDIT: I've seen that it is possible because Openstack can do it.

  • frisbee23
    frisbee23 almost 7 years
    this has to go into the file meta-data, btw. see also