PHPExcel create a new file


I find how to resolve my problem ... but only half of it. Because it's work with this code :

 $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
   ->setTitle("Template Relevé des heures intérimaires")
   ->setSubject("Template excel")
   ->setDescription("Template excel permettant la création d'un ou plusieurs relevés d'heures")
   ->setKeywords("Template excel");
   $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A1', "12");

   $writer = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');  
   header('Content-Type: application/');
   header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="excel.xls"');
   header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

But it's Excel5 not Excel2007 and when i remplace Excel5 by Excel2007 i have the same error message.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Kvasir
    Kvasir almost 2 years

    I am trying to create a new Excel file by using PHPExcel library with this code :

       include ('/lib/PHPExcel/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php');
       include ('/lib/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php');
       $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
       ->setSubject("template file")
       ->setDescription("template file")
       $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A1', 'Hello');
       $objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);

    The file is created, but when i try to open it my excel 2010 tells me there is unreadable content inside the file and i can't open it.

    I tried a different way on a different forum but i am always arriving to the same result. I do this manipulation by using Ajax with jquery. Can this be the cause of this error?

  • Taryn
    Taryn about 9 years
    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
  • Mark Baker
    Mark Baker about 9 years
    Well I've examined the xlsx file: the zip index is intact, but the individual files fail on a crc check, so it's as though ZipArchive has somehow corrupted the individual files (or at least their crc32 value) when writing.... it's not something I can explain