Postgres accent insensitive LIKE search in Rails 3.1 on Heroku


Solution 1

Poor man's solution

If you are able to create a function, you can use this one. I compiled the list starting here and added to it over time. It is pretty complete. You may even want to remove some characters:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lower_unaccent(text)
SELECT lower(translate($1
     , '¹²³áàâãäåāăąÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄÆćčç©ĆČÇĐÐèéêёëēĕėęěÈÊËЁĒĔĖĘĚ€ğĞıìíîïìĩīĭÌÍÎÏЇÌĨĪĬłŁńňñŃŇÑòóôõöōŏőøÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØŒř®ŘšşșߊŞȘùúûüũūŭůÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮýÿÝŸžżźŽŻŹ'
     , '123aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooorrrsssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyzzzzzz'

Your query should work like that:

find(:all, :conditions => ["lower_unaccent(name) LIKE ?", "%#{search.downcase}%"])

For left-anchored searches, you can utilize an index on the function for very fast results:

CREATE INDEX tbl_name_lower_unaccent_idx
  ON fest (lower_unaccent(name) text_pattern_ops);

For queries like:

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE (lower_unaccent(name)) ~~ 'bob%'

Proper solution

In PostgreSQL 9.1+, with the necessary privileges, you can just:


which provides a function unaccent(), doing what you need (except for lower(), just use that additionally if needed). Read the manual about this extension.
Also available for PostgreSQL 9.0 but CREATE EXTENSION syntax is new in 9.1.

More about unaccent and indexes:

Solution 2

For those like me who are having trouble on add the unaccent extension for PostgreSQL and get it working with the Rails application, here is the migration you need to create:

class AddUnaccentExtension < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    execute "create extension unaccent"

  def down
    execute "drop extension unaccent"

And, of course, after rake db:migrate you will be able to use the unaccent function in your queries: unaccent(column) similar to ... or unaccent(lower(column)) ...

Solution 3

First of all, you install postgresql-contrib. Then you connect to your DB and execute:


to enable the extension for your DB.

Depending on your language, you might need to create a new rule file (in my case greek.rules, located in /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/tsearch_data), or just append to the existing unaccent.rules (quite straightforward).

In case you create your own .rules file, you need to make it default:


This change is persistent, so you need not redo it.

The next step would be to add a method to a model to make use of this function.

One simple solution would be defining a function in the model. For instance:

class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
    def self.unaccent(column,value)
        a=self.where('unaccent(?) LIKE ?', column, "%value%")

Then, I can simply invoke:


Invoking the same command without the model definition would be as plain as:

Model.where('unaccent(name) LIKE ?', "%text%"

Note: The above example has been tested and works for postgres9.1, Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.0.

Fixed potential SQLi backdoor thanks to @Henrik N's feedback

Solution 4

There are 2 questions related to your search on the StackExchange:

But as you are on Heroku, I doubt this is a good match (unless you have a dedicated database plan).

There is also this one on SO: Removing accents/diacritics from string while preserving other special chars.

But this assumes that your data is stored without any accent.

I hope it will point you in the right direction.


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Author by


messing around with 0s and 1s.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • user1051849
    user1051849 almost 2 years

    How can I modify a where/like condition on a search query in Rails:

    find(:all, :conditions => ["lower(name) LIKE ?", "%#{search.downcase}%"])

    so that the results are matched irrespective of accents? (eg métro = metro). Because I'm using utf8, I can't use "to_ascii". Production is running on Heroku.

    • ipegasus
      ipegasus over 10 years
      I would like to know, what solution did you use? Is there a rails-only based solution? Thanks!
  • user1051849
    user1051849 about 12 years
    Hi Pierre - thanks - yes, i saw both of those, but unfortunately neither help me in this scenario.
  • user1051849
    user1051849 about 12 years
    hi Erwin, thanks for this. I'm on 9.1 so CREATE EXTENSION unaccent; seems like the way forward. How would you suggest i activate it through my rails app though (as i need this to happen on heroku as well as my dev environment)... thanks!
  • conceptDawg
    conceptDawg over 9 years
    If you're stuck on 9.0, you can still install unaccent if you execute C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\share\contrib\unaccent.sql
  • Matstar
    Matstar about 9 years
    (3 years later:) Heroku includes unaccent:… You can verify by running echo 'show extwlist.extensions' | heroku pg:psql
  • Matstar
    Matstar about 9 years
    Danger! If you just string-interpolate the value into the SQL like that, and the value is user-provided, you're opening yourself up to SQL injections. This is safer since Rails will escape things for you: Model.where("unaccent(name) LIKE unaccent(?)", "%#{value}%") or just Model.where("unaccent(name) LIKE ?", "%#{value}%") if you don't care about unaccenting the value.
  • Ruby Racer
    Ruby Racer about 9 years
    You are right, of course... I would not do this error now, but this is old.. I'll fix it, thanks for noting
  • Matstar
    Matstar about 9 years
    No problem. Hm, I suspect using unaccent(?) for the column name will treat it as a string rather than a column name, but I'm not sure.
  • Ruby Racer
    Ruby Racer about 9 years
    Not tested, I ended up using lucene solr, but it is OK to use strings as column names.
  • Hamdan
    Hamdan over 7 years
    it worked beautifully. I inserted it on my rails application with a migration. Here's an awesome example of how you could do that:…
  • Tashows
    Tashows over 6 years
    Anyone tried that on Cloud9? Can't find the usr/share folder... Looking around cloud9 forums as well. Nothing really useful coming up yet.
  • Tashows
    Tashows over 6 years
    Figured a workaround for this. 1) Run cd pg_config --sharedir/tsearch_data to get to the right folder. 2) Found an updated unaccent.rules file here:… 3) Edited and uploaded somewhere I have access to through a link. 4) Run sudo curl -O your-custom-link-here
  • Loris
    Loris almost 4 years
    Verifying if the extension is not already present by doing so will prevent a migration crash: ``` def up execute "create extension if not exist unaccent" end ```
  • Dom Eden
    Dom Eden over 2 years
    Slight typo - the correct code is: execute "create extension if not exists unaccent;" - exists is plural. See