Programmatically build / navigate a Navigation Controller


In applicationDidFinishLoading in App delegate:

UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootViewController];

[window makeKeyAndVisible];
[window addSubview:navController.view];

That will instantiate the navigation controller and add it to the window as a view.

Now, in your rootViewController class (lets say its called FirstViewController) you can do this:

- (void)clickedAButton:(id)selector {
  SecondViewController *nextViewController = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
  // and push it onto the 'navigation stack'
  [self.navigationController pushNavigationController:nextViewController animated:YES];
  // and release
  [nextViewController release];

And in your SecondViewController you can navigate back through the stack using:

- (void)clickedAnotherButton:(id)selector {
  // goes back to the last view controller in the stack
  [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

So for you it would go:

Set up navigation controller in the app delegate with Brand as the root view controller User chooses their brand and you pushViewController:animated: the Model view controller. Then the user chooses their model and you pushViewController:animated: the Color view controller. Similarly the user chooses a color and you push the Pippo view controller. Now, if the user presses back (or you call popViewControllerAnimated:) it will go back to the Color view controller in the same state as when the user left it to go to the Pippo controller.

Fabio B.
Author by

Fabio B.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Fabio B.
    Fabio B. almost 2 years


    My App is based on indepent view controllers. I can switch from one to another by replacing the root view controller on the application delegate:

    ade.window.rootViewController = newController;

    ... and all worked right, till now.


    we have to add a NavigationController-based part of our App, which will help the users navigate through our:

    Brands => Model Names => Colors

    So, the user will choose a color, then click a button: now I will switch to another UIViewController (call it "pippo"), which actually resides outside that navigation hierarchy (I can't push it in the nav-controller for several methods, I'm forced doing so!).

    What I want is to get back to my "Color" screen, from "pippo". So, I'm looking for a way to programmatically "navigate" the navigation controller I restore, I mean:

    • I restore my navigation controller

    • now I'm on Brands, but I don't want my users to be here, I want to show them the last color they was on (I saved it in the preferences)

    • how can I simulate the selection of a known brand and model?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Fabio B.
    Fabio B. over 12 years
    soorry, wrong answer for two reasons: i quote from my post: ""pippo"), which actually resides outside that navigation hierarchy (I can't push it in the nav-controller for several methods, I'm forced doing so!)." So you know that I CAN'T and I DON'T WANT to push 'pippo' in my navigation controller. - in addition, I want to navigate the controller WITHOUT user interaction. :-\
  • Thomas Clayson
    Thomas Clayson over 12 years
    I can't think of a single scenario where you can't push a viewcontroller onto a navigation stack. However, you're the boss. Navigating the stack without user interaction is possible using the methods push and pop. Anyway, can't help you, as I don't really understand anymore.
  • Fabio B.
    Fabio B. over 12 years
    My 'pippo' is a custom imagepicker, a photo camera. However I'll try to push my brand and model view controller without animation and see what it does.
  • Thomas Clayson
    Thomas Clayson over 12 years
    Ok cool. You can add your own animations by using UIView animation around where you pushViewController:animated: