Property 'nome' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'


Solution 1

I just get that error and I did this, for example, in your first input:

<mat-error *ngIf="dadosForm.get('nome').dirty || dadosForm.get('nome').touched">O campo nome deve ser preenchido</mat-error>

Just change validation within the *ngIf:

<mat-error *ngIf="dadosForm.get('nome').invalid && (dadosForm.get('nome').dirty || dadosForm.get('nome').touched)">O campo nome deve ser preenchido</mat-error>

I'm using Angular 10+ with the same input template as you, I'm not using dirty and touched, so, for a unique validation you can use just dadosForm.invalid within *ngIf and get the unique message error you're validating.


<mat-error *ngIf="dadosForm.get('nome').invalid">O campo nome deve ser preenchido</mat-error>

Another equivalent:

<mat-error *ngIf="dadosForm.invalid">O campo nome deve ser preenchido</mat-error>

Solution 2

<div *ngIf=" &&">
                                <small class="text-danger" *ngIf="">Please enter the name!</small>

In ts file

get f() { return this.form.controls; }

Solution 3

Use form builder FormBuilder for validations

First import these dependencies

import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

Create variable for form group

formGroupName: FormGroup;

constructor(private _formBuilder: FormBuilder) { }

Set validations code in ngOnInit method

this.formGroupName ={
    nome: ['', Validators.required],
    empresa: ['', Validators.required],
    email: ['', [Validators.required,]],
    telefone: ['', Validators.required],
    assunto: ['', Validators.required],
    mensagem: ['', Validators.required]

Try with this.


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Lucas Miranda
Author by

Lucas Miranda

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Lucas Miranda
    Lucas Miranda almost 2 years

    I have a angular app and i'm having some problem in my form validation via ReactiveForms, i'm having the following error:

    ng serve error:

    src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(48,32): error TS2339: Property 'assunto' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'. src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(50,57): error TS2339: Property 'assunto' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'. src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(51,30): error TS2339: Property 'nome' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'. src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(52,33): error TS2339: Property 'empresa' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'. src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(53,32): error TS2339: Property 'email' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'. src/app/pages/contact/contact.component.ts(54,34): error TS2339: Property 'telefone' does not exist on type 'FormGroup'.


    <form class="col-s4 dados-form" [formGroup]="dadosForm">
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <input matInput placeholder="Nome" formControlName="nome" required>
      <mat-error *ngIf="dadosForm.get('nome').dirty || dadosForm.get('nome').touched">
        O campo nome deve ser preenchido</mat-error>
    </mat-form-field> <br>
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <input matInput placeholder="Empresa" formControlName="empresa" required>
        *ngIf="dadosForm.get('empresa').dirty || dadosForm.get('empresa').touched">
        O campo empresa deve ser preenchido</mat-error>
    </mat-form-field> <br>
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <input matInput placeholder="E-Mail" formControlName="email" required>
        *ngIf="dadosForm.get('email').dirty || dadosForm.get('email').touched">
    </mat-form-field> <br>
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <input matInput maxlength="15" id="phoneInput" formControlName="telefone" [mask]="phoneMask" placeholder="Telefone para Contato" required />
        *ngIf="dadosForm.get('telefone').dirty || dadosForm.get('telefone').touched">
        O campo telefone deve ser preenchido</mat-error>
    </mat-form-field> <br>
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <mat-label>Produto Desejado</mat-label>
      <mat-select matInput formControlName="assunto" required>
        <mat-optgroup *ngFor="let categoria of produtos" [label]="categoria.key">
          <mat-option *ngFor="let produto of categoria.value" [value]="produto">
        *ngIf="dadosForm.get('assunto').dirty || dadosForm.get('assunto').touched">
        O campo assunto deve ser preenchido</mat-error>
    <mat-form-field style="width:100%" class="full-width">
      <textarea matInput placeholder="Mensagem" formControlName="mensagem" required></textarea>
        *ngIf="dadosForm.get('mensagem').dirty || dadosForm.get('mensagem').touched">
        O campo mensagem deve ser preenchido</mat-error>
    <div class="form-buttons">
      <button mat-button mat-raised-button id="submitButton" [disabled]="!dadosForm.valid" matTooltip="" color="primary" (click)="sendMail(mensagem)">Enviar</button>


      dadosForm = new FormGroup({
        nome: new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
        empresa: new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
        email: new FormControl('', [Validators.required,]),
        telefone: new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
        assunto: new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
        mensagem: new FormControl('', [Validators.required])
    • Ala Abid
      Ala Abid almost 5 years
      make a stack blitz example
    • Reza
      Reza almost 5 years
      I don't see any obvious issue in your code, please make a stackblitz for it
    • The Head Rush
      The Head Rush almost 5 years
      Looks like your template renders before the form constructs. You probably need to add *ngIf=dadosForm to the <form> element.
    • Lucas Miranda
      Lucas Miranda almost 5 years
      @ala I've tried to create a Stackblitz, but stackblitz don't shows all the errors. And there's no error related to the form.
    • Lucas Miranda
      Lucas Miranda almost 5 years
      @TheHeadRush, i've tried to do the *ngIf, but no lucky with this.
    • The Head Rush
      The Head Rush almost 5 years
      Did you catch the mistake in my suggested *ngIf? It should be *ngIf="dadosForm". If so, we need to see the form instantiation method and how/where that method is called.
    • Ala Abid
      Ala Abid almost 5 years
      So everything works fine in stackblitz?
  • David Riscanevo
    David Riscanevo almost 3 years
    I would like to know if there is another way to do this.