python: psycopg2: psql: Delete row where condition


'TagNaam' is not a valid column_name identifier in sql language. You must not use single or double quotes in writing database name, table name or colunm name, but you can use apostrophe (`) .


DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE 'TagNaam' = 'test';

DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE "TagNaam" = 'test';


DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE TagNaam = 'test';
DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE `TagNaam` = 'test';
DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE "TagNaam" = 'test';

Update: According to PSQL dosc, double quote is a valid character in table and column names. It is especially used for key words while usinga as a table or column name. So following is valid:

DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE "TagNaam" = 'test';

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Updated on June 09, 2022


  • RobbeM
    RobbeM almost 2 years

    I'm trying to delete rows from a psql table on a condition.

    I want all rows to be deleted if column "TagNaam" equals a variable var_tagnaam.

    I've tried the following code and some variants but I can't get it to work. There aren't any errors though.

    cur.execute("DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE 'TagNaam' = %s", (var_tagnaam,))

    Is there something wrong with the syntax?

    Edit: Maybe it is more clear with additional code, the error might be in the other code?

    for i in range(len(taginhoud)):
        (var_tagnaam, var_tagwaarde, var_tagkwaliteit, var_tagtime) = taginhoud[i]
        print (var_tagnaam)
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE 'TagNaam' = %s", (var_tagnaam,))
        cur.execute('INSERT INTO opc_actuelewaardentags ("TagNaam", "TagWaarde", "TagKwaliteit", create_date, write_date) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,now(),now())',
                    (var_tagnaam, var_tagwaarde, var_tagkwaliteit))   

    So what I try to do here is:

    Retrieve "var_tagnaam" from list "taginhoud".

    Then in table opc_actuelewaardentags find all rows where column "Tagnaam" equals the value in "var_tagnaam". (Should be a string)

    Then delete those rows where "Tagnaam" = "var_tagnaam". This part doesn't work.

    Then insert new rows with data. This part works.

    Could this code be wrong to do what I want?

    I have tried many things already to solve the upper/lower case problem.

    Edit 2:Query in pgadmin worked, trying to do the same thing in python:

    I ran this query in pgadmin and it deleted the rows:

    delete FROM opc_actuelewaardentags where "TagNaam" = 'Bakkerij.Device1.DB100INT8';

    My attempt to make it as similar as possible in python:

    var_tagnaam2 = "'"+var_tagnaam+"'"
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM opc_actuelewaardentags WHERE \"TagNaam\" = %s", (var_tagnaam2,))

    Tried to escape the double quotes in attempt to make it the same as in pgadmin.