Python urllib2 file upload problems


If you're using Python 2.5 or newer, urllib2_file is both unnecessary and unsupported, so check which version you're using (and perhaps upgrade).

If you're using Python 2.3 or 2.4 (the only versions supported by urllib2_file), try running the sample code and see if you have the same problem. If so, there is likely something wrong either with your Python or urllib2_file installation.


Also, you don't seem to be using either of urllib2_file's two supported formats for POST data. Try using one of the following two lines instead:

d = ['uploaded', open(sys.argv[1:])]
## --OR-- ##
d = {'uploaded': open(sys.argv[1:])}
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I enjoy playing tennis, playing the piano, and hanging out with friends. I hate people who make noise in movie theaters. That's about it. =]

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Salty
    Salty almost 2 years

    I'm currently trying to initiate a file upload with urllib2 and the urllib2_file library. Here's my code:

    import sys
    import urllib2_file
    import urllib2
    d = [('uploaded', open(sys.argv[1:]))]
    req = urllib2.Request(URL, d)
    u = urllib2.urlopen(req)

    I've placed this .py file in my My Documents directory and placed a shortcut to it in my Send To folder (the shortcut URL is ).

    When I right click a file, choose Send To, and select Aquate (my python), it opens a command prompt for a split second and then closes it. Nothing gets uploaded.

    I knew there was probably an error going on so I typed the code into CL python, line by line. When I ran the u=urllib2.urlopen(req) line, I didn't get an error; alt text

    instead, the cursor simply started blinking on a new line beneath that line. I waited a couple of minutes to see if something would happen but it just stayed like that. To get it to stop, I had to press ctrl+break.

    What's up with this script?

    Thanks in advance!

    [Edit] Forgot to mention -- when I ran the script without the request data (the file) it ran like a charm. Is it a problem with urllib2_file?

    [edit 2]:

    import MultipartPostHandler, urllib2, cookielib,sys
    import win32clipboard as w
    cookies = cookielib.CookieJar()
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies),MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler)
    params = {"uploaded" : open("c:/cfoot.js") }"", params)
    text =

    That code works like a charm if you run it through the command line.

  • archbishop
    archbishop about 14 years
    You say that urllib2_file is unnecessary on python 2.5 and greater, but this functionality doesn't exist in python yet. Based on, multipart/form-data uploads may be here in 2.7, but that's not released yet.
  • Ben Blank
    Ben Blank about 14 years
    I haven't looked at the problem since I posted this more than a year ago, but at the time, I was able to duplicate urllib2_file's functionality in Python 2.6 and even the library's page says it is only needed for Python 2.3 and 2.4. I can only assume that bug refers to some separate (but probably closely related) issue. :-)