Rails 5 - Manually add attribute to parameters in controller when updating


Solution 1

In general its a good practice to view the incoming parameters as unmutable. It makes debugging and reasoning about your controller code much simpler.

There are a few tricks you can to do to avoid monkeying with the params.

Use a block:

# this works for .new and .create as well
updated = @actual.update(actual_params) do |a|
  a.foo = current_user.foo
  a.b = params.fetch(:foo, "some default")

Use composition to create safe parameters methods.

def common_params
   [:name, :title]

def create_params
        .permit(*common_params, :foo)

def update_params
        .permit(*common_params, :bar)

Using .except can be risky since its better to whitelist than blacklist as you may forget to add future attributes to the blacklist.

Solution 2

You're using merge which

Returns a new ActionController::Parameters with all keys from other_hash merged into current hash

and you're not storing the new ActionController::Parameters into anything. You can instead use merge! which

Returns current ActionController::Parameters instance with other_hash merged into current hash.

actual_params.merge!(:file_name => 'ted.png')

if actual_params is a method on your controller instead of an object (the name threw me the first time, but seeing the model name is probably Actual, a method makes more sense now), you'll need to store the return value into a new hash to work with:

new_params = actual_params.merge(:file_name => 'ted.png')
new_params = new_params.except(:facesheet)

This is because each time you call a method that's defined like:

def actual_params
  params.require(:actual).permit(:factsheet, *whatever_else)

it's returning a new, different ActionController::Parameters each time so mutating the one still doesn't work if you don't save it anywhere

Solution 3

Try something like


  def post_params
    params.require(:post).permit(:some_attribute).merge(user_id: current_user.id)

Solution 4

Try to whitelist the params instead of using .except

Also try to use .permit() to whitelist the required params

Matt Ellis
Author by

Matt Ellis

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Matt Ellis
    Matt Ellis almost 2 years

    I am trying to manually add an additional attribute to parameters in the controller after completing a form. The params seem to be wrapped in , which seems to be preventing me to from changing the params.


    class ActualsController < SignedInController
     def update
       respond_to do |format|
       facesheet = actual_params[:facesheet]
       #trying to manually add attribute
       actual_params.merge(:file_name => 'ted.png')
       new_params = actual_params.except(:facesheet)
          if @actual.update(new_params)
            format.html { redirect_to action: 'show', id:@actual.id, notice: 'Actual was successfully updated.' }
            format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @actual }
            format.html { render :edit }
            format.json { render json: @actual.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

    "new_params" from console

    <ActionController::Parameters {"encounter_type_id"=>"1", "physician_id"=>"669", "insurance_id"=>"1182", "time_start"=>"05:00", "time_end"=>"07:00", "date_start"=>"2017-08-02", "date_end"=>"2017-08-02", "facility_id"=>"1", "med_rec_num"=>"1244", "patient_name_first"=>"Bob", "patient_name_last"=>"Smith", "patient_name_middle_initial"=>"H", "patient_dob"=>"2000-02-05", "note"=>"", "is_complete"=>"0", "procedure_ids"=>["", "300"]} permitted: true>  -Thanks for your help on this.

    "@actual" from console

    #<Actual id: 18, encounter_id: 4, provider_id: 7, encounter_type_id: 1, physician_id: 669, facility_id: 1, insurance_id: 1182, group_id: nil, datetime_start_utc: "2017-08-02 10:00:00", datetime_end_utc: "2017-08-02 12:00:00", payer: nil, med_rec_num: "1244", patient_name_first: "Bob", patient_name_last: "Smith", patient_name_middle_initial: "H", patient_dob: "2000-02-05", finclass: nil, is_valid: nil, is_complete: false, image_location: nil, note: "", created_at: "2017-08-18 13:30:58", updated_at: "2017-08-18 16:01:28">
  • Matt Ellis
    Matt Ellis over 6 years
    Just added the "!" for merge, but still not getting it to add the attribute ---- > actual_params.merge!(:file_name => 'teddy.png')
  • Simple Lime
    Simple Lime over 6 years
    Why's that @max ? And @MattEllis, is actual_params a method or an object?
  • max
    max over 6 years
    Because mutating the params makes it harder to debug - sudddenly down the line the params are not the same as what you see in the logs. Its better to use .merge which is non-destructive.
  • Matt Ellis
    Matt Ellis over 6 years
    @SimpleLime --> actual_params is an object