rake db:create - collation issues


Solution 1

I was having the same problem than you, me and my friends were all going mad because of it, until we've found this link http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2009/8/30/upgrading-to-snow-leopard

I've just followed the mysql installation steps and it worked great here :]

Solution 2

Re-install mysql-server and mysql-client using this command:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

and then some libraries you need to install to make MySQL available to ruby:

sudo apt-get install libmysql-ruby

This all solved my problem. Try it !!! :)

Solution 3

I happened on same problem after installing new database server MySQL5.0 to 5.1. If you have installed new db-server, Your mysql gem library is not suitable for your database server. You may solve this by reinstall mysql gem lib.

 sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/your/mysql_config

Solution 4

I just encountered this as well on a fresh Snow Leopard install.

I had another project that created the databases without issue, but my primary project would give the errors you described. After poking around, the only difference was the former specified a socket, whereas the failing project (and yours too) uses a host.

That is to say, this database.yml causes the problem:

  adapter: mysql
  database: fanvsfan_development
  username: root
  host: localhost

But this works:

  adapter: mysql
  database: fanvsfan_development
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

I'm unsure what the actual difference is, but this seems like a workaround.

Solution 5

Using RVM? Do this for Rails v 2.3

export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" ; gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri mysql -v 2.7 -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
Zach Inglis
Author by

Zach Inglis

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Zach Inglis
    Zach Inglis almost 2 years
    kratos-iii:railsproj zachinglis$ rake db:create
    (in /Users/zachinglis/Sites/rails/railsproj)
    Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "host"=>"localhost", "username"=>"root", "password"=>nil, "database"=>"railsproj_development"}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_general_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

    I had no issues using Sequel Pro and even creating said database.

    How do I resolve this? Having an empty password never gave me issues before. And I really doubt thats it.

  • Zach Inglis
    Zach Inglis over 14 years
    The database exists, I can access MySQL. I created the db as a test & created a table. I started FRESH on Snow Leopard. All environments fail similarly. Backtrace: ** Invoke db:create (first_time) ** Invoke db:load_config (first_time) ** Invoke rails_env (first_time) ** Execute rails_env ** Execute db:load_config ** Execute db:create Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "host"=>"localhost", "username"=>"root", "password"=>nil, "database"=>"railsproj_development"}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_general_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)