Reading getline from cin into a stringstream (C++)


Solution 1

You are almost there, the error is most probably1 caused because you are trying to call getline with second parameter stringstream, just make a slight modification and store the data within the std::cin in a string first and then used it to initialize a stringstream, from which you can extract the input:

// read input
string input;
getline(cin, input);

// initialize string stream
stringstream ss(input);

// extract input
string name;
string course;
string grade;

ss >> name >> course >> grade;

1. Assuming you have included:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

Solution 2

You cannot std::getline() a std::stringstream; only a std::string. Read as a string, then use a stringstream to parse it.

struct Student
  string   name;
  string   course;
  unsigned grade;

vector <Student> students;
string s;
while (getline( cin, s ))
  istringstream ss(s);
  Student student;
  if (ss >> >> student.course >> student.grade)
    students.emplace_back( student );

Hope this helps.

Solution 3

You can just use cin >> name >> course >> grade; because >> will read until whitespace anyway.

Author by


Updated on August 31, 2020


  • user313
    user313 over 3 years

    So I'm trying to read input like this from the standard input (using cin):

    Adam English 85
    Charlie Math 76
    Erica History 82
    Richard Science 90

    My goal is to eventually store each data piece in its own cell in a data structure I have created, so basically I want to parse the input so each piece of data is individual. Since each row of input is inputted by the user one at a time, each time I get an entire row of input that I need to parse. Currently I am trying something like this:

    stringstream ss;
    getline(cin, ss);
    string name;
    string course;
    string grade;
    ss >> name >> course >> grade;

    The error I am having is that XCode is telling me there's no matching function call to getline which is confusing me. I have included the string library, so I'm guessing the error has to do with using getline to read in from cin to a stringstream? Any help here would be appreciated.

    • Christian Hackl
      Christian Hackl about 8 years
      Do you realise that your program will only work if name and course do not contain spaces? It will fail for "John Smith English" or "Adam Computer Science"...
  • Lightness Races in Orbit
    Lightness Races in Orbit about 8 years
    Adding a line-by-line parsing layer is usually actually a good thing, though.
  • Manohar Reddy Poreddy
    Manohar Reddy Poreddy over 7 years
    this is best answer for me
  • Kasper
    Kasper over 4 years
    "will read until whitespace": it is not accurate. It'll read until the whitespace or tab or end of line
  • Yazan Alsalem
    Yazan Alsalem over 3 years
    @Kasper tab and end-of-line characters are considered whitespace
  • Kasper
    Kasper over 3 years
    you're right @YazanAlsalem. Specifically: and for detailed info.