RedisTemplate expire doesn't work


I set up following code to perform a test on getExpire() (jedis 2.5.2, spring-data-redis 1.4.2.RELEASE):

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = DemoApplication.class)
public class DemoApplicationTests {

    private RedisTemplate<String, String> template;

    public void contextLoads() {


        assertFalse(template.expire("key", 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
        assertEquals(0, template.getExpire("key", TimeUnit.MINUTES).longValue());

        template.opsForHash().put("key", "hashkey", "hashvalue");

        assertTrue(template.expire("key", 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
        assertTrue(template.getExpire("key", TimeUnit.MINUTES) > 8);


Depending on your Redis configuration, all Redis data is gone if you restart your Redis instance.

You should also add an assertion to expireSession (assertTrue(cache.expireSession(session, duration));) to make sure, the expiry worked.


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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • Nikolas
    Nikolas over 1 year

    I'm trying to test expire method in RedisTemplate. For example, I store session in redis, and than try to retrieve session and check that values are the same. For expire session I use expire() method of redisTemplate and for getting expired session I use getExpire() method. But it doesn't work. How can I test value, that stored in redis?

    //without import and fields
    public class Cache() {     
        private StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate;
        public boolean expireSession(String session, int duration) {
          return redisTemplate.expire(session, duration, TimeUnit.MINUTES);    
    //Test class without imports and fields 
    public class TestCache() {  
        private Cache cache = new Cache(); 
        public void testExpireSession() {
            Integer duration = 16;
            String session = "SESSION_123";
            cache.expireSession(session, duration);
            assertEquals(redisTemplate.getExpire(session, TimeUnit.MINUTES), Long.valueOf(duration));    

    but test fails with AssertionError:

    Expected :16 Actual :0

    UPDATE: I thought, that getExpire() method doesn't work, but in fact expire() method doesn't work. It returns false. redisTemplate is a spring Bean that autowired to test class. There are many other test methods in TestCache class that work correctly.

  • Farhad
    Farhad over 7 years
    Why is it required to call flushAll ? I have some code that is clearing the Redis cache each time Tomcat restarts. I found there is a flushAll in the code that returns the RedisTemplate
  • mp911de
    mp911de over 7 years
    That's just for the test case to create a clean state.