Setting cucumber-jvm options in Maven from the command line


Here is a snippet from the Cucumber-JVM repo on how to run the java-helloworld example by passing cucumber options:

mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--format json-pretty --glue classpath:cucumber/examples/java/helloworld src/test/resources"

Keep in mind that it will override all the options in the @Cucumber.Options annotation you have on "RunCukesTest". I haven't got it to work for my own tests but maybe this will help.

So it looks like you need to give all the options needed to run cucumber, including the java class path and where the code is located using the "--glue" parameter.


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The Cat
Author by

The Cat

Recent computer science graduate working as a Java developer in London, the best city in the world.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • The Cat
    The Cat almost 2 years

    I am trying to set the "name" option for Cucumber to be able to run a specific feature or scenario.

    I have entered this,

    mvn test -DCucumber.Options--name="MyFeatureName"

    but it just runs all the features and doesn't give an error.

    Any ideas?