Setting up Screenshot Reporter for Protractor


Solution 1

Note: If you are using jasmine2, use protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter.

For jasmine1:

I've been using successfully using protractor-html-screenshot-reporterpackage. It is based on protractor-screenshot-reporter, but also provides a nice HTML report.

Here is what I have in the protractor config:

var HtmlReporter = require("protractor-html-screenshot-reporter");

exports.config = {

    onPrepare: function () {
        // screenshot reporter
        jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({
            baseDirectory: "test-results/screenshots"


After running tests, you would get an HTML file containing (example):

enter image description here

You can click "view" to see the test-case specific screenshot in the browser.

Solution 2

The readme in the library is pretty self explanatory. After installing the library, add it onto protractor's onPrepare in your protractor config file.

i.e. protractorConf.js:

var ScreenShotReporter = require('protractor-screenshot-reporter');

exports.config = {
   // your config here ...

   onPrepare: function() {
      // Add a screenshot reporter and store screenshots to `/tmp/screnshots`:
      jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new ScreenShotReporter({
         baseDirectory: '/tmp/screenshots',
         takeScreenShotsForSkippedSpecs: true

then protractor protractorConf.js to run protractor.

Solution 3

Just recently I published a brand new plugin called protractor-screenshoter-plugin that captures for each browser instance a screenshot and console logs. The snapshot is made optionally for each expect or spec. It comes with a beautiful angular and bootstrap based analytics tool to visually check and fix tests results.

Check it out at

Also, I created a list of all available alternatives, so if you find something else, please do not hesitate to add it there.


Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Currently working with protractor

Updated on September 15, 2022


  • andrepm
    andrepm over 1 year

    Since I'm a newbie with automated tests and protractor, I'm having some trouble setting this up in my tests.

    According to the guide, every time that I create a new instance of screenshot reporter, I have to pass a directory path. Right, this means that every time I create a new instance in my spec file?

    Also, there are functions to take screenshots of my skipped and my failed tests. Where i supposed to use takeScreenShotsForSkippedSpecs and takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs? In my config file?

    This is my onPrepare:

    onPrepare: function () {
   = browser.driver;
            global.isAngularSite = function (flag) {
                browser.ignoreSynchronization = !flag;
            jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new ScreenShotReporter({
                baseDirectory: '/tmp/screenshots',
                takeScreenShotsForSkippedSpecs: true,
                takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs: true
  • andrepm
    andrepm over 9 years
    I did this, but why it says to pass a directory everytime thay i create a new instance screenshot reporter? And where i supposed to swith takeScreenShotsForSkippedSpecs and takeScreenShotsOnlyForFailedSpecs to true?
  • hankduan
    hankduan over 9 years
    You only create the instance once, in the protractor config file. updated example to include takeScreenShotsForSkippedSpecs
  • andrepm
    andrepm over 9 years
    Nope, still got nothing. I've updated my question with my onPrepare.
  • Nick
    Nick over 8 years
    @alecxe, i am trying to send whole path like (c:/x/y/z/protractor-html-screenshot-reporter), is there any other way i can set and send it.
  • Zakir Sayed
    Zakir Sayed about 8 years
    @alecxe - do you know if jasmine2 reporters results can be viewed realtime while the tests are running? Our functional tests runs for 30mins and in jasmine2 reporters we need to wait for the entire tests to complete to see the report unlike protractor-html-screenshot-reporter package that allows you see the results of already executed tests.
  • alecxe
    alecxe about 8 years
    @ZakirSayed I am afraid it will only dump the results when jasmine is done executing the tests (‌​lob/…)..
  • Zakir Sayed
    Zakir Sayed about 8 years
    thanks @alecxe. Let's see how critical that becomes and then we can look for some other reporter.
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters over 7 years
    Please read How to offer personal open-source libraries? before posting about your personal projects; do please disclose that this is your own project.
  • Andrej
    Andrej over 7 years
    Hey Martijn, thanks for your reply. I thought that I was clear that is my project, by saying I published. Should I say, disclaimer: I am the author of the plugin? Cheers,A.
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters over 7 years
    You did disclose it in this post, but you copied the answer to another question with only the first sentence different, and there you didn't disclose. At issue more is the copying and pasting; please don't go hunt for posts where your project may possibly be applicable.
  • Andrej
    Andrej over 7 years
    Ok, I see. Anyway, I just added it to the relevant questions. So if it was too much, sorry for that. Sometimes people ask same questions over and over... So the answer, is also similar...
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters over 7 years
    That's what we have duplicate closing for. If the question can be solved by the answers on a similar question, flag it as a duplicate. Don't copy and paste answers there.
  • Andrej
    Andrej over 7 years
    If you need to have your report available immediately while it is still running, try out and specify the option writeReportFreq: 'asap'. (disclaimer: I am the author of the fork)