SQL Server: Two-level GROUP BY with XML output


Solution 1

declare @T table
  ID int,
  Type varchar(30),
  SubType varchar(30),
  SubSubType varchar(30)

insert into @T values
(1, 'Product Documentation', 'Brochures',                'Functional Brochures'),
(2, 'Product Documentation', 'Brochures',                'Fliers'),
(3, 'Product Documentation', 'Data Sheets and Catalogs', 'Data Sheets'),
(4, 'Product Documentation', 'Data Sheets and Catalogs', 'Catalogs'),
(5, 'Other Documentation',   'Other classification',     'User Guides')

select T1.Type as '@Name',
       select T2.SubType as '@Name',
              select T3.SubSubType as '@Name'
              from @T as T3
              where T3.SubType = T2.SubType and
                    T3.Type = T1.Type
              for xml path('SubSubType'), type
       from @T as T2
       where T2.Type = T1.Type
       group by T2.SubType
       for xml path('SubType'), type
from @T as T1
group by Type
for xml path('Type'), root('AllTypes')

Solution 2

   T1.Type as name,
        T2.SubType as name,
          select T3.SubSubType as name
          from Table1 as T3
          where T3.Type = T1.Type and T3.SubType = T2.SubType
          for xml raw('SubSubType'), type
     from (select distinct Type, SubType  from Table1) as T2
     where T1.Type = T2.Type
     for xml raw('SubType'), type
from (select distinct Type from Table1) as T1
for xml raw('Type'), root('AllTypes')

sql fiddle demo

Author by


Updated on June 14, 2022


  • gice
    gice almost 2 years

    I have a table of hierarchical data that I am trying to select as a single, grouped XML value:

    Columns: Id, Type, SubType, SubSubType

    Sample data:

    Id  Type                    Subtype                    SubSubType
    1   Product Documentation   Brochures                  Functional Brochures
    2   Product Documentation   Brochures                  Fliers
    3   Product Documentation   Data Sheets and Catalogs   Data Sheets
    4   Product Documentation   Data Sheets and Catalogs   Catalogs
    5   Other Documentation     Other classification       User Guides

    For the above data, I would like to output the following xml:

        <Type name="Product Documentation">
            <SubType name="Brochures">
                <SubSubType name="Functional Brochures"/>
                <SubSubType name="Fliers"/>
            <SubType name="Data Sheets and Catalogs">
                <SubSubType name="Data Sheets"/>
                <SubSubType name="Catalogs"/>
        <Type name="Other Documentation">
            <SubType name="Other classification">
                <SubSubType name="User Guides"/>

    i.e. a single xml structure containing all rows from the above table, grouped by the first column (Type), and further grouped by the second column (SubType).

  • gice
    gice over 10 years
    ding ding ding! That did the trick. I had to CAST TO XML the two inner selects, but the results are perfect. Thanks!
  • Mikael Eriksson
    Mikael Eriksson over 10 years
    @user1822597 You should not need the cast. Did you forget ,type?
  • Mikael Eriksson
    Mikael Eriksson over 10 years
    @user1822597 Did you try a copy paste with the code in the answer? Perhaps you forgot the comma before type?
  • gice
    gice over 10 years
    My bad -- the column names I used in this writeup were fictional, and "Type" was a bad choice. Your solution works perfectly as-is. Thanks again!
  • mkataja
    mkataja over 9 years
    I tried this, too, but the accepted answer gives nicer xml structure because of the GROUP BYs.