Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr


Solution 1

To solve the issue that some function might have cached sys.stdout stream as a local variable and therefore replacing the global sys.stdout won't work inside that function, you could redirect at a file descriptor level (sys.stdout.fileno()) e.g.:

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys

def some_function_with_cached_sys_stdout(stdout=sys.stdout):
    print('cached stdout', file=stdout)

with stdout_redirected(to=os.devnull), merged_stderr_stdout():
    print('stdout goes to devnull')
    print('stderr also goes to stdout that goes to devnull', file=sys.stderr)
print('stdout is back')
print('stderr is back', file=sys.stderr)

stdout_redirected() redirects all output for sys.stdout.fileno() to a given filename, file object, or file descriptor (os.devnull in the example).

stdout_redirected() and merged_stderr_stdout() are defined here.

Solution 2

You can also put the redirection logic in a contextmanager.

import os
import sys

class RedirectStdStreams(object):
    def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None):
        self._stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
        self._stderr = stderr or sys.stderr

    def __enter__(self):
        self.old_stdout, self.old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
        self.old_stdout.flush(); self.old_stderr.flush()
        sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self._stdout, self._stderr

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self._stdout.flush(); self._stderr.flush()
        sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
        sys.stderr = self.old_stderr

if __name__ == '__main__':

    devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')

    with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull):
        print("You'll never see me")

    print("I'm back!")

Solution 3

starting from python 3.4 there is the context manager contextlib.redirect_stdout:

from contextlib import redirect_stdout

with open('yourfile.txt', 'w') as f:
    with redirect_stdout(f):
        # do stuff...

to completely silence stdout this works:

from contextlib import redirect_stdout

with redirect_stdout(None):
    # do stuff...

Solution 4

I am not sure what temporary redirection means. But, you can reassign streams like this and reset it back.

temp = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = temp

Also to write to sys.stderr within print stmts like this.

 print >> sys.stderr, "Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:"

Regular print will to stdout.

Solution 5

It's possible with a decorator such as the following:

import sys

def redirect_stderr_stdout(stderr=sys.stderr, stdout=sys.stdout):
    def wrap(f):
        def newf(*args, **kwargs):
            old_stderr, old_stdout = sys.stderr, sys.stdout
            sys.stderr = stderr
            sys.stdout = stdout
                return f(*args, **kwargs)
                sys.stderr, sys.stdout = old_stderr, old_stdout

        return newf
    return wrap

Use as:

@redirect_stderr_stdout(some_logging_stream, the_console):
def fun(...):
    # whatever

or, if you don't want to modify the source for fun, call it directly as

redirect_stderr_stdout(some_logging_stream, the_console)(fun)

But note that this is not thread-safe.


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Updated on July 05, 2022


  • user541686
    user541686 almost 2 years

    Is it possible to temporarily redirect stdout/stderr in Python (i.e. for the duration of a method)?


    The problem with the current solutions (which I at first remembered but then forgot) is that they don't redirect; rather, they just replace the streams in their entirety. Hence, if a method has a local copy of one the variable for any reason (e.g. because the stream was passed as a parameter to something), it won't work.

    Any solutions?

    • David Wolever
      David Wolever almost 13 years
      Redirecting stdout/stderr isn't uncommon (or, at least, not unheard of) — the answers here explain the process nicely.
    • Fred Foo
      Fred Foo almost 13 years
      @TokenMacGuy: while you should never write library code that has outputs to stderr or stdout wired-in, you can't always avoid using that kind of code.
    • Rob Cowie
      Rob Cowie almost 13 years
      @Mehrdad Try replacing sys.__stdout__ first thing in your code, before you import the third-party modules
    • user541686
      user541686 almost 13 years
      @Rob: I think you missed the 2nd word in my title. :-)
    • Rob Cowie
      Rob Cowie almost 13 years
      @Mehrdad Nope. Replace sys.__stdout__ early in your code with your own stream-like object (i.e. implements .write()). All references to sys.stdout point to it. Have it proxy to a changeable stream, defaulting to stdout. You should then have the ability to switch the proxied stream at will. I haven't tried this; I'm thinking out loud.
    • user541686
      user541686 almost 13 years
      @Rob: Oh I see... it's an good idea (though overkill!); I might try it. :)
    • jfs
      jfs about 10 years
    • alexia
      alexia almost 10 years
      I realize this is an old question, but for reference, you don't need to store the values of sys.stdout and sys.stderr. There is sys.__stdout__ and sys.__stderr__. (reference)
  • user541686
    user541686 almost 13 years
    I guess I could wrap a try-finally around that; seems like it'd work, though not as pretty as I wanted. Thanks +1
  • user541686
    user541686 almost 13 years
    +1 seems to be what I need. Just curious, why'd you do an except: raise?
  • Fred Foo
    Fred Foo almost 13 years
    @Mehrdad: forget about the except: raise thing, it was a thinko on my part. I rewrote the whole thing btw.; I always get the level of nesting in decorators wrong the first time, but it actually works now.
  • user541686
    user541686 almost 13 years
    You know, I noticed a problem: What if a program has cached the stream objects (e.g. passed them as a parameter to a function that accepts a stream)? Then this wouldn't work. :\ Is there a way to redirect the streams themselves, rather than replacing them with new streams?
  • Fred Foo
    Fred Foo almost 13 years
    @Mehrdad: then you'd do some low-level file descriptor magic, or even fork the process and redirect the streams in the child before performing the desired code, returning the result across a pipe. There's no silver bullet here, I'm afraid.
  • ThePracticalOne
    ThePracticalOne over 11 years
    changereturn wrap(f) to return wrap
  • JeffG
    JeffG over 11 years
    This example works for those of us stuck on python 2.2. Thanks
  • joedborg
    joedborg almost 11 years
    you don't need temp. sys.__stderr__ stays as the correct object.
  • Gwen
    Gwen almost 11 years
    +1 for the cleanest and simplest solution I've seen to this problem
  • Bakuriu
    Bakuriu over 10 years
    -1 -- The with will not restore the initial sys.stdout. If you try to print something after those with blocks you receive a ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.. You should remove the second with and put a sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ at the end of the first with block.
  • jfs
    jfs about 10 years
    This answer replaces sys.stdout, sys.stderr instead of redirecting them as OP asked in the edited version of the question. See my answer that does redirect them.
  • kevinarpe
    kevinarpe almost 9 years
    @RobCowie: Style question: Is there a reason why you make self._stdout "protected" (in the Python sense), vs self.__stdout "private" (in the Python sense)?
  • Rob Cowie
    Rob Cowie almost 9 years
    I don't seem to ever create private double-underscore properties. I've yet to find a situation that warrants it.
  • dwanderson
    dwanderson about 7 years
    @kevinarpe - there's no difference between x._bar and x.__bar except that x.__bar is harder to get at, debugging wise due to name-mangling. It doesn't actually make the variable private, so it doesn't buy you anything, but makes your debugging life more difficult. In general, stick with a single underscore unless you're dealing with multiple inheritance and have a particular reason to want dunderscore (both classes' variables need to exist? I feel like there are more elegant solutions)
  • twasbrillig
    twasbrillig almost 6 years
    In Python you don't need the temp variable. You can call sys.stdout, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, sys.stdout.
  • Peter
    Peter about 5 years
    I just tried this with redirect_stdout(None) and it didn't work. The module producing the output is written in C++, maybe that has something to do with it.
  • hiro protagonist
    hiro protagonist about 5 years
    how 'does it not work'? because it really should! see e.g. this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/49757674/…
  • Peter
    Peter about 5 years
    Maybe it's just a corner case, I tried wrapping a call to caffe.Net() in with redirect_stderr(None) and still got a load of debug messaged dumped to stderr. Turns out you can disable those for the specific case of Caffe another way but I guess disabling standard output is not that easy for modules that use std::iostream under the hood.
  • Pablo
    Pablo about 3 years
    Is it possible to no redirect the stdout to a file rather to just ignore it ?
  • Mustafa Aydın
    Mustafa Aydın over 2 years
    perhaps that with is better as with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull, RedirectStdStreams(stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull): so that devnull is also closed fine
  • baxx
    baxx over 2 years
    what if one wants to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same place?
  • hiro protagonist
    hiro protagonist over 2 years
    @baxx with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): and then you could redirect stderr (or the other way round).