Terraform error "Your query returned no results"


Terraform data source is to access an existing resource, not to create one.

data "aws_ami" "bom-ami"

As in the documentation, the AMI needs to exist already.

Use this data source to get the ID of a registered AMI for use in other resources.

If you are creating an AMI from an EBS snapshot taken from an EC2 instance (e.g. Amazon Linux EC2), then:

Please note the difference between data and resource.

To create a custom AMI image, please also consider Hashicorp packer.

Ashif Nataliya
Author by

Ashif Nataliya

I am a senior devOps engineer with 12+ years of experience working on latest technologies like AWS, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, Akamai, Docker and AWS CodeDeploy. I write blogs about rare topics which is hard to find on internet. Check my blog in my website link for more information.

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Ashif Nataliya
    Ashif Nataliya almost 2 years

    I have below bom-asg.tf file.

    data "aws_ami" "bom-ami" {
    most_recent = true
      filter {
        name   = "tag:ami_name"
        values = ["${var.environment}-bom-ami"]
      owners = ["****"]
    resource "aws_security_group" "bom-sg" {
      name_prefix = "${var.environment}-bom-asg-sg"
      vpc_id      = "${var.vpc_id}"

    I am unable to successfully execute refresh and plan commands. I am getting below errors.

    terraform plan --var-file=environment-parity.tfvars -target=bom-asg.tf --out apply.out
    Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
    The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
    persisted to local or remote state storage.
    No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
    This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your
    configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no
    actions need to be performed.

    But when I run refresh. I am getting below error.

    terraform refresh --var-file=environment-parity.tfvars
    data.template_file.es_access_policy_search: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.nginx-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.php-search-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.ng-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.mysql-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.frontend-search-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.bom-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.lg-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.rabbitmq-search-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.ngas-ng-drupal-ami: Refreshing state...
    data.aws_ami.mongodb-ami: Refreshing state...
    Error: Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:
    * data.aws_ami.bom-ami: 1 error(s) occurred:
    * data.aws_ami.bom-ami: data.aws_ami.bom-ami: Your query returned no results. Please change your search criteria and try again.

    Can you please help?