TypeORM - findAll method to find all articles of an user


You can join if the relationship was defined in model

export class Article {
    /// ... other columns

    @ManyToOne(type => Author, author => author.articles)
    author: Author;

There are two way to query: find* method or QueryBuilder

// find*

createConnection(/*...*/).then(async connection => {

    let articleRepository = connection.getRepository(Article);
    let articles = await articleRepository.find({ relations: ["author"] });

}).catch(error => console.log(error));
// Query Builder
const articles = await connection
    .leftJoinAndSelect("article.author", "user")

You can read the documentation for more detail

Author by


Updated on June 16, 2022


  • pirmax
    pirmax almost 2 years

    I want find all articles of one user from TypeORM package.

    On Sequelize, I have this:

    async findAllByUser(userUuid: string, findOptions: object): Promise<Article[]> {
        return await Article.findAll<Article>({
            include: [{
                model: User,
                where: {
                    uuid: userUuid

    I'd like an alternative for TypeORM.