ubuntu 20.04 : snap x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


Solution 1

I really had deep into the certificate subject ;), but I finally saw kind of post at snap page, which says that on snap 2.45+ ver, you can add cert by the command:

snap set system store-certs.cert1="$(cat myca.crt)"

have fun...

Solution 2

Had the same issue with Ubuntu Server 20.04, and I solved it by installing the proxy certificates using these instructions:


Previously, I had to also convert the certificates (which I exported from Chrome) to .crt with:

openssl x509 -inform DER -in ssl_certificate.cer -out ssl_certificate.crt

After running the update-ca-certificates command I had to restart Ubuntu and it worked.


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I have love to computers: coding and hacking, since I was little kid. (I'm white hat!!! ;) I love to learn new coding method, and especially hacking method... hope I'll can have my best in coding :) (I'm also CS student.)

Updated on June 04, 2022
