Unit testing a DAO class that uses Spring JDBC


Solution 1

Please have a look at below links:

  1. Testing SQL queries with Spring and DbUnit
  2. MockObjects or DBUnit for testing Code using JdbcTemplate

Hope that helps.


Here is the GitHub version of RowMapperTests for easy reference.

Solution 2

I recommend breaking your dependency on JdbcTemplate class, and using the JdbcOperations interface instead, e.g.

public class GPLBusinessSegmentDAO implements BusinessSegmentDAO {
    private final JdbcOperations jdbc;

    public GPLBusinessSegmentDAO(DataSource dataSource) {
        this(new JdbcTemplate(dataSource));

    public GPLBusinessSegmentDAO(JdbcOperations jdbc) {
        this.jdbc = jdbc;

    // ... DAO methods here

Your unit test can invoke the second constructor, passing in a mock JdbcOperations object. Since all DB operations are performed via the jdbc object, you can mock that easily enough.

Your live code can call the first constructor as before.

Solution 3

To write a true unit test for this, you would not be touching a real database. You may however find it more practical to pass in a real DataSource to your underlying db, and test the getBusinessSegments() method returns 0, 1 and many results depending on the cc and ll values you pass in.

Another option worth investigating would be to pass in a DataSource of an embedded Java DB that was initialised with your schema in a setUp/@Before method. I guess what you really want to test is that the SELECT... query maps correctly to the schema, so such a test would catch any errors that arise at runtime when the schema, say, changes.


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Alex Ciminian
Author by

Alex Ciminian

Updated on December 24, 2020


  • Alex Ciminian
    Alex Ciminian over 3 years

    I have several DAO objects that are used to retrieve information from a database and I really want to write some automated tests for them but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it.

    I'm using Spring's JdbcTemplate to run the actual query (via a prepared statement) and map the results to the model object (via the RowMapper class).

    If I were to write unit tests, I'm not sure how I would/should mock the objects. For example, since there are only reads, I would use the actual database connection and not mock the jdbcTemplate, but I'm not sure that's right.

    Here's the (simplified) code for the simplest DAO of the batch:

     * Implementation of the {@link BusinessSegmentDAO} interface using JDBC.
    public class GPLBusinessSegmentDAO implements BusinessSegmentDAO {
        private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
        private static class BusinessSegmentRowMapper implements RowMapper<BusinessSegment>  {
            public BusinessSegment mapRow(ResultSet rs, int arg1) throws SQLException { 
                try {
                    return new BusinessSegment(rs.getString(...));
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    return null;
        private static class GetBusinessSegmentsPreparedStatementCreator 
            implements PreparedStatementCreator {
            private String region, cc, ll;
            private int regionId;
            private GetBusinessSegmentsPreparedStatementCreator(String cc, String ll) {
                this.cc = cc;
                this.ll = ll;
            public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection)
                    throws SQLException {           
                String sql = "SELECT ...";
                PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                ps.setString(1, cc);
                ps.setString(2, ll);
                return ps;
        public GPLBusinessSegmentDAO(DataSource dataSource) {
            jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
        public Collection<BusinessSegment> getBusinessSegments(String cc, String ll) {
            return jdbcTemplate.query(
                    new GetBusinessSegmentsPreparedStatementCreator(cc, ll), 
                    new BusinessSegmentRowMapper());

    Any idea would be appreciated.


  • Tony R
    Tony R over 12 years
    Now that SpringSource has moved to github, you can find RowMapperTests here. EDIT: I have updated the answer with the new link.
